2003 State Junior Championships

Dates:29 April to 2 May 2003
Venue:Chess Centre Kings Hotel


Zengbo Wang - State Junior Champion


Nathan Rozells & Andrew Vinciguerra


Thomas Donaldson


Yita Choong

1stB. Lu

Under 18 Championship Cross Table

 No  Name               Tot  	1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8   

 1.  Zhengbo Wang       6	 x    =    1    1    1    =    1F   1
 2.  Mark Chapman       6        =    x    1    =    1    1    1    1
 3.  Marc Saxon         3        0    0    x    1    0    0    1    1
 4.  Yuhan Goh          2        0    =    0    x    0    0    1    =
 5.  Ganesh Viswanath   3.5      0    0    1    1    x    =    1    0
 6.  Dennis Holland     5        =    0    1    1    =    x    1F   1
 7.  Ryan Humphries     0        0F   0    0    0    0    0F   x    0
 8.  Miles Haselgrove   2.5      0    0    0    =    1    0    1F   x

Z. Wang won a play-off against M. Chapman (1.5 to 0.5)

Under 16 Championship Cross Table

 No  Name                     Tot     1     2     3    

 1.  Andrew Vinciguerra       3	     x    = =    1 1
 2.  Nathan Rozells           3      = =    x    1 1
 3.  Blair Slack-Smith        0      0 0   0 0    x 

Under 14 Championship Cross Table

 No  Name           Tot    1     2     3     4     5     6     7    

 1.  Colic, I	    5.0    6:W  10:W   2:L  11:W   3:W   8:L   5:W
 2.  Teoh, K	    4.0    7:W   9:W   1:W   3:L   8:L  11:L   4:W
 3.  Tay, D         6.0    8:W  11:W   4:W   2:W   1:L  10:W   7:W
 4.  Andrews, S     2.0    9:L   7:W   3:L  10:L   5:L   bye   2:L
 5.  Chapman, P     3.0   10:L   6:L  11:L   bye   4:W   9:W   1:L
 6.  Ang, N         3.0    1:L   5:W   9:W   8:L  10:L   7:L   bye
 7.  Chan, E        3.0    2:L   4:L   bye   9:W  11:L   6:W   3:L
 8.  Donaldson, T   6.0    3:L   bye  10:W   6:W   2:W   1:W  11:W
 9.  Kan, A         3.0    4:W   2:L   6:L   7:L   bye   5:L  10:W
 10. Naumoski, T    3.0    5:W   1:L   8:L   4:W   6:W   3:L   9:L
 11. Satterley, C   4.0    bye   3:L   5:W   1:L   7:W   2:W   8:L   

T. Donaldson won a play-off against D. Tay (2.0 to 0.0)

Under 12 Championship Cross Table

 No  Name                  Tot    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    

 1.  Choong, Y	           9.0    7:W   4:W   2:W  13:W   5:W  12:W  11:W   9:W   3:W
 2.  Thambiayah, M         6.5    8:W   5:W   1:L  12:L  10:W  11:W  13:D   4:W   6:W
 3.  Cooper, R             3.0    9:W   6:W  13:L   5:L  11:L  10:D  12:L   7:D   1:L
 4.  Parkinson-Stewart, S  4.0   10:W   1:L  12:L  11:L   9:L   7:W   6:W   2:L   5:W
 5.  Parkinson-Stewart, J  3.0   11:W   2:L   6:W   3:W   1:L  13:L   9:L  10:L   4:L
 6.  Bernadout, J          1.5   12:W   3:L   5:L  10:L   7:L   9:D   4:L  13:L   2:L
 7.  Chapman, D            3.5    1:L  13:L  11:L   9:W   6:W   4:L  10:W   3:D  12:L
 8.  Crofts, M             0.0    2:L    :     :     :     :     :     :     :     :
 9.  Dang, B               3.5    3:L  12:L  10:W   7:L   4:W   6:D   5:W   1:L  11:L
 10. Limpah, C             3.5    4:L  11:W   9:L   6:W   2:L   3:D   7:L   5:W  13:L
 11. Moritz, J             4.0    5:L  10:L   7:W   4:W   3:W   2:L   1:L  12:L   9:W
 12. Mottolini, D          7.0    6:L   9:W   4:W   2:W  13:W   1:L   3:W  11:W   7:W
 13. Quahe, I              6.5    bye   7:W   3:W   1:L  12:L   5:W   2:D   6:W  10:W

Under 10 Championship Cross Table

 No  Name                  Tot    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    

 1.  Bernadout, E          4.0    7:W   9:L   6:W   2:W  10:L  12:L   8:L   3:W   4:L
 2.  Chiam, J              6.5    8:W  10:D  12:L   1:L   5:W   9:W   3:W   4:W  11:W
 3.  Clapin, B             4.5    9:L   6:D  11:W   7:W   8:W  10:L   2:L   1:L   5:W
 4.  Conway, A             4.5   10:L   8:L   5:D  11:L   7:W   6:W   9:W   2:L   1:W
 5.  Edwards, M            3.5   11:L   7:L   4:D   6:W   2:L   8:W  12:W  10:L   3:L
 6.  Frazer, L             3.5   12:D   3:D   1:L   5:L  11:W   4:L   7:W   9:L  10:D
 7.  Huynh, D              1.0    1:L   5:W   8:L   3:L   4:L  11:L   6:L  12:L   9:L
 8.  Knight, C             3.5    2:L   4:W   7:W   9:L   3:L   5:L   1:W  11:D  12:L
 9.  Limpah, J             6.0    3:W   1:W  10:L   8:W  12:W   2:L   4:L   6:W   7:W
 10. Lu, B                 8.0    4:W   2:D   9:W  12:W   1:W   3:W  11:W   5:W   6:D
 11. MacKay, M             3.5    5:W  12:L   3:L   4:W   6:L   7:W  10:L   8:D   2:L
 12. Quahe, S              5.5    6:D  11:W   2:W  10:L   9:L   1:W   5:L   7:W   8:W