2006 WA Grand Prix

From GP Coordinator David Ellis:

For the 2006 WA Grand Prix there were 5 tournaments with an overall average of 17 players per tournament (down from 2005’s 20, 2004’s 20.3, 2003’s 25.9 & 2002’s 23.4). This year the Perth Open and the Christmas Open, both with 22 players were the most popular, while the Gufeld Cup and the Willetton Open had 17 entrants each and the Foundation Day Open only 8. The numbers were certainly disappointing this year but may be partially due to the experiment of playing 2 events over 3 days rather than 2. A move back to all 2 day tournaments may help to increase numbers. The very popular SW Open was postponed because of a double booking at the intended venue but was unfortunately not rescheduled. It would be very regrettable if this event disappeared as so many metropolitan players enjoy the opportunity to escape from Perth and experience a change of scenery. In 2005 two seven week evening events were included, the Midland Open and the City of Fremantle Open, but this year Fremantle did not express a wish to include the City of Fremantle in the GP and the Midland club had folded. Although the Kingsley Open was played this year a rating limit for entrants prevented its inclusion.

The Association hopefully will make more money available for prizes next year both in individual events and for overall end of year winners. However prizes are very dependant on number of entrants so please support the events next year. For juniors it is certainly an opportunity to play more serious chess and improve standards very rapidly.

Top Scorers

  PREMIER                        Events   1sts       Points   
  1       David Ellis       	 5        3          42.2
 (        Gordon Dunlop 	 5        1          33.2)
  2       Tom Donaldson * 	 3        -          26
  3	  Michael Horstmann	 2	  2	     23
 (	  Marc Vliestra		 4        -          20)
 (	  Ned Tomic		 4        -          17.8)
  4       Stephanus Kurniawan    2        1          17	

  MAJOR (UNDER 1850)

  1       Gordon Dunlop   	 5        2	     44.5
 (        Tom Donaldson *  	 3	  2	     32)
  2       Marc Vliestra	 	 4 	  - 	     26.3
  3	  Ned Tomic              4        -          25
  4	  Mick Pavlovic          2        1          20	

  MINOR (UNDER  1550)

  1       Gary Donaldson 	 5        - 	     40.8 
  2       Ryan Sam *		 4  	  - 	     32.3
  3       Edik Gilmetdinov *	 2 	  1 	     21
  4       Bernard Laugery 	 2 	  1 	     15
  5       Graeme McQuilkin       2        1          14
 =6 	  Daniel Clarke          1        1          12
          Chris Boni *           1        1          12  

  *  denotes junior