2012 WA Open Chess Championship

The 2012 WA Open was played at the Moresby Street Centre in Kensington on the 10/11 & 17/18 of March.

It was disappointing to see only 20 players turn out for this event, at Moresby Street. We were also missing a few of WA's stronger players. However, those that made the effort seemed to enjoy themselves, and it only intensified the battle for qualifying places for the WA Closed Championship.

The tournament was well-contested throughout. Even though Akef Saleh was always in the lead (and always seemed likely to win) other places often changed hands.

Dennis Holland produced a stream of solid results, but 4 draws held him back. Thomas Pinnock had another good result but could not overcome Akef in round 5.

Natalie Maris and George Carolin-Unkovich made charges for the title but both faltered in the last round. Even so, both put in very good performances, and Natalie retained the WA Women's Championship, though it would have been nice to see her have some opposition to overcome.

I would like to mention the performance of one of my young students: Ignatius Yap. He had something of a breakthrough result, with 4 draws from 5 games played, and was even complaining about not having enough time on the clock!

The qualifying places for the WA Closed are as follows:

1. Akef Saleh 2.Dennis Holland 3.Thomas Pinnock

1st Reserve: David Ellis 2nd Reserve: George Carolin-Unkovich

Report by Haydn Barber.

Prize Winners

  WA Open Champion           AKEF SALEH
  WA Women's Champion        NATALIE MARIS  

  1st 	Akef Saleh                 6	 
 =2nd 	Dennis Holland             5 
 =2nd  	Thomas Pinnock             5 

  1st 	Natalie Maris              4.5	 

  1st 	George Carolin-Unkovich    4.5

  U/1400 + Unrated
  1st 	Jose Madriaga              3.5	 

  Best Junior
  1st	Ignatius Yap               2.5 

Final Standings

 Place Name                     Loc  Club   Score M-Buch. Progr.  
 1     Saleh, Akef              1991        6        21.0   25.0
 2-3   Holland, Dennis          1931        5        21.0   20.5
       Pinnock, Thomas          1806 Junior 5        19.5   20.5
 4-6   Ellis, David             1988        4.5      23.0   20.0
       Carolin-Unkovich, George 1636 Junior 4.5      20.0   19.0
       Maris, Natalie           1815        4.5      19.0   19.0
 7-8   Dempster, Dave           2027        4        21.5   18.0
       Aquilina, Joe            1816        4        18.0   15.0
 10    Madriaga, Jose                       3.5      18.0   13.5
       Donaldson, Gary          1454        3.5      14.5   12.0
 11-15 Maris, Rob               1992        3        20.0   17.0
       Dunlop, Gordon           1874        3        18.0   11.5
       Szabo, Tamas             1331        3        16.0   11.0
       Tomic, Nedeljko          1771        3        14.5    9.0
       Orssengo, Girma          1707        3        13.0    9.0
 16-18 France, George                       2.5      17.0    5.5
       Ottschoffski, Eddie      1449        2.5      15.5   12.5
       Yap, Ignatius            1041 Junior 2.5      14.5    9.5
 19    Shaw, Shane              1219        2        16.5    7.0
 20    Maris, Fred              1658        1.5      15.5    7.5   

Cross Table

 No  Name                     Loc  Club    1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

 1.  Dempster, Dave           2027        10:W  8:D  3:L 15:W  7:W  5:D  9:L
 2.  Maris, Rob               1992        11:W  5:D  6:W   :D 13:L  9:L  7:L
 3.  Saleh, Akef              1991        12:W 20:W  1:W  4:D  9:W 13:D  8:W
 4.  Ellis, David             1988        13:W  7:W  9:D  3:D  5:D  8:L  6:W
 5.  Holland, Dennis          1931        14:W  2:D  8:W  9:D  4:D  1:D 13:W
 6.  Dunlop, Gordon           1874          :D   :D  2:L  8:L 18:W 14:W  4:L
 7.  Aquilina, Joe            1816        16:W  4:L 14:W 13:L  1:L 11:W  2:W
 8.  Maris, Natalie           1815        17:W  1:D  5:L  6:W 16:W  4:W  3:L
 9.  Pinnock, Thomas          1806 Junior 19:W 10:W  4:D  5:D  3:L  2:W  1:W
 10. Tomic, Nedeljko          1771         1:L  9:L 17:L 19:W 15:W 16:W 20:L
 11. Orssengo, Girma          1707         2:L 16:L 19:W 20:L 17:W  7:L 12:W
 12. Maris, Fred              1658         3:L 15:D 18:D   :D 14:L 19:L 11:L
 13. Carolin-Unkovich, George 1636 Junior  4:L 19:W 20:W  7:W  2:W  3:D  5:L
 14. Donaldson, Gary          1454         5:L 17:W  7:L 18:D 12:W  6:L 15:W
 15. Ottschoffski, Eddie      1449          :D 12:D 16:W  1:L 10:L 18:D 14:L
 16. Szabo, Tamas             1331         7:L 11:W 15:L 17:W  8:L 10:L   :W
 17. Shaw, Shane              1219         8:L 14:L 10:W 16:L 11:L   :W   :L
 18. Yap, Ignatius            1041 Junior   :D   :L 12:D 14:D  6:L 15:D 19:D
 19. France, George                        9:L 13:L 11:L 10:L   :W 12:W 18:D
 20. Madriaga, Jose                         :W  3:L 13:L 11:W   :D   :L 10:W