2015 Gufeld Cup

The Gufeld Cup (6 rounds) was played over the weekend of the 26th & 27th of September at Leeming Primary School.

Prize Winners

 1st		Tristan Boyd		6.0/6  
 2nd            Nedjelko Tomic		5.0 

 1st 	  	Ignatius Yap (jnr)	3.0 

 1st		Darcy Frazer (jnr)	3.0 

Final Standings

 Place Name                           Feder Rtg Loc  Score  M-Buch. Buch. Progr. 

 1     Boyd, Tristan                  WA        2339 6        13.0  20.5   21.0
 2     Tomic, Nedeljko                WA        1887 5        13.0  19.5   16.0
 3     Hare, Tim                      WA        2025 4        13.0  20.0   15.0
 4     Gong, Patrick                  WA        2050 3.5      13.5  22.0   14.5
 5-6   Yap, Ignatius                  WA        1750 3        11.5  18.5   10.0
       Frazer, Darcy                                 3        11.5  17.0   11.0
 7-10  Koh, Paddy                     WA        1600 2.5      15.0  23.5   11.5
       Donaldson, Gary                WA        1526 2.5      12.0  18.5    9.5
       Dharmapuri, Sri Krishna Kousel WA        1490 2.5       8.5  12.5    7.0
       Orr, Lewis                     wa             2.5       8.5  12.0    6.5
 11    Moseley, Paul                  WA        1210 1        11.0  15.5    3.0
 12    Dharmapuri, Kundan             WA        529  0.5      10.5  16.5    1.0

Cross Table

 No  Name                           Feder Rtg Loc  Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    
 1.  Boyd, Tristan                  WA        2339 6      7:W  4:W  3:W  2:W  6:W  5:W
 2.  Gong, Patrick                  WA        2050 3.5    8:W  6:D  5:W  1:L 11:W  4:L
 3.  Hare, Tim                      WA        2025 4      9:W 11:W  1:L  7:W  4:L  6:W
 4.  Tomic, Nedeljko                WA        1887 5     10:W  1:L  6:W 11:W  3:W  2:W
 5.  Yap, Ignatius                  WA        1750 3     11:L  9:W  2:L 12:W  7:W  1:L
 6.  Koh, Paddy                     WA        1600 2.5   12:W  2:D  4:L  8:W  1:L  3:L
 7.  Donaldson, Gary                WA        1526 2.5    1:L 10:W  8:W  3:L  5:L 12:D
 8.  Dharmapuri, Sri Krishna Kousel WA        1490 2.5    2:L 12:W  7:L  6:L 10:D  9:W
 9.  Moseley, Paul                  WA        1210 1      3:L  5:L 11:L 10:W 12:L  8:L
 10. Dharmapuri, Kundan             WA        529  .5     4:L  7:L 12:L  9:L  8:D 11:L
 11. Frazer, Darcy                                 3      5:W  3:L  9:W  4:L  2:L 10:W
 12. Orr, Lewis                     WA             2.5    6:L  8:L 10:W  5:L  9:W  7:D