2015 Christmas Lightning Competition

The 2015 Christmas Lightning event was held at the Leeming Primary School on Sunday 13th December. 24 players in 3 divisions participated in the 9 round event. The overall winner was Tristan Boyd with a score of 8.5. The full prize list is given below. Prizes consisted of Xmas stockings with a small cash bonus.

As done in previous years three rounds were played with Fisher time control, three with Bronstein time control and three with guillotine.

In each round there were novelty book prizes. Prizes were given for first game to finish, 'GM Chess' for the winner and 'Improve Your Chess' for the loser. Some opening theory books were given to players who played the opening line used in the book. Books on the Dutch were given to winners with either colour that started with a move using the f pawn. Books on unusual openings were given to winners that started with a move of either the a or h pawns. There were some very unusual openings played as most players took up the challenge of using the 1.a4 a5 opening or similar. 14 books in total were won by 13 of the 24 players.

The event was followed by the CAWA presentations of Grand Prix awards and major events held during 2015. We also heard some very novel poetry about chess players by David Ellis.

Thank you to all the players for joining in the day's activities. Everyone had an enjoyable day and will hopefully participate again in December 2016.

Report by Gordon Dunlop

Prize Winners

  Tristan Boyd
  Yita Choong
  Igor Butsenko

  Reserves (Under 2000)
  Andrew Hardegen
  Peter Kowalczyk
  George Carolin-Unkovich
  Alex Janceski

  Restricted (Under 1700) 
  Evan Yeung
  George France
  Ben Hurst

Final Standings

 Place Name                     Feder Rtg Loc  Score  M-Buch. Buch. Progr. 

 1     Boyd, Tristan            WA        2384 8.5      36.5  48.0   43.0
 2-3   Choong, Yita             WA        2336 7.5      37.5  50.0   38.0
       Butsenko, Igor                     2238 7.5      37.5  50.0   36.0
 4-5   Hardegen, Andrew         WA        1966 5.5      35.5  45.5   30.0
       Kelly, Adam              WA        2031 5.5      33.5  44.5   23.5
 6-11  Kowalczyk, Peter                   1900 5        40.0  50.5   31.0
       Carolin-Unkovich, George           1948 5        36.5  45.0   29.0
       Gong, Patrick                      2061 5        34.5  47.0   26.5
       Maris, Robert            WA        2020 5        32.5  45.0   24.5
       Janceski, Alex                     1766 5        32.5  41.5   21.5
       Yeung, Evan              WA        1655 5        25.5  32.5   17.0
 12-15 Vlietstra, Marc                    2081 4.5      35.5  45.0   25.5
       Shaw, Robin                        1826 4.5      33.5  42.5   22.0
       Maris, Natalie A         WA        1758 4.5      30.0  37.0   21.5
       Elkington, Derek         WA        1957 4.5      28.5  37.5   23.0
 16-19 Pavez, Luciano                     2100 4        39.0  51.5   26.0
       France, George           WA        1666 4        30.5  37.0   23.0
       Tomic, Ned                         1851 4        25.5  35.0   17.0
       Hurst, Benjamin          WA        1590 4        25.0  31.0   19.0
 20    Koh, Paddy               WA        1689 3.5      26.5  33.0   13.0
 21    Vaughan, Anthony                        2        24.0  30.0   12.0
 22-23 Laugery, Bernard A       WA        1450 1.5      26.0  32.5    5.5
       Moseley, Paul            WA        1338 1.5      24.5  30.5    6.5
 24    Richards, Ethan          QLD            1        23.5  30.0    6.0
 25    Davoll, Josh             WA             0         0.5   0.5    0.0

Cross Table

 No Name                     Feder Rtg  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    

 1  Boyd, Tristan            WA        18:W  9:W 16:W  6:W  2:W  3:D  4:W 12:W  8:W
 2  Choong, Yita             WA        13:W  5:W  3:W 16:W  1:L  4:D  7:W  6:W 12:W
 3  Butsenko, Igor                     10:W 15:W  2:L  8:W  6:W  1:D 16:W  4:W  7:W
 4  Hardegen, Andrew         WA        22:W 16:L 20:W 15:W 17:W  2:D  1:L  3:L 13:W
 5  Kelly, Adam              WA        11:W  2:L 10:D  7:L 20:W  9:L 17:W 14:W  6:W
 6  Kowalczyk, Peter                   21:W 12:W  7:W  1:L  3:L  8:W  9:W  2:L  5:L
 7  Carolin-Unkovich, George           24:W  8:D  6:L  5:W 12:W 15:W  2:L 13:D  3:L
 8  Gong, Patrick                      17:W  7:D 12:D  3:L 13:W  6:L 19:W 16:W  1:L
 9  Maris, Robert            WA        19:W  1:L 13:W 17:L 14:D  5:W  6:L 10:D 16:W
 10 Janceski, Alex                      3:L 23:W  5:D 12:L 11:W 14:L 18:W  9:D 17:W
 11 Yeung, Evan              WA         5:L 13:L 23:W 14:L 10:L 18:W 21:W 22:W 19:W
 12 Vlietstra, Marc                    20:W  6:L  8:D 10:W  7:L 24:W 14:W  1:L  2:L
 13 Shaw, Robin                         2:L 11:W  9:L 20:W  8:L 22:W 15:W  7:D  4:L
 14 Maris, Natalie A         WA        16:L 22:W 15:L 11:W  9:D 10:W 12:L  5:L 21:W
 15 Elkington, Derek         WA        23:W  3:L 14:W  4:L 19:W  7:L 13:L 20:D 22:W
 16 Pavez, Luciano                     14:W  4:W  1:L  2:L 18:W 17:W  3:L  8:L  9:L
 17 France, George           WA         8:L 24:W 18:W  9:W  4:L 16:L  5:L 21:W 10:L
 18 Tomic, Ned                          1:L 19:W 17:L 21:W 16:L 11:L 10:L 24:W 23:W
 19 Hurst, Benjamin          WA         9:L 18:L 24:W 22:W 15:L 20:W  8:L 23:W 11:L
 20 Koh, Paddy               WA        12:L 21:W  4:L 13:L  5:L 19:L 23:W 15:D 24:W
 21 Vaughan, Anthony                    6:L 20:L 22:W 18:L 24:W 23:L 11:L 17:L 14:L
 22 Laugery, Bernard A       WA         4:L 14:L 21:L 19:L 23:D 13:L 24:W 11:L 15:L
 23 Moseley, Paul            WA        15:L 10:L 11:L 24:L 22:D 21:W 20:L 19:L 18:L
 24 Richards, Ethan          QLD        7:L 17:L 19:L 23:W 21:L 12:L 22:L 18:L 20:L
 25 Davoll, Josh             WA         0:L  0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0: