2019 WA Junior Allegro Championships

The 2019 WA Junior Allegro Chess Championships was held as a 9 round swiss on Sunday, 8th September, at Leeming Primary School with 31 players participating.

In the under 18 division, Yihe Fu (Rebo) was the clear favourite going into the tournament and won overall with a score of 8/9. In his final year as a junior player, Kevin Shah Mansouri finished second on 6.5/9 whilst promising players Jamie Laubbacher and Brent Geronimo tied for third on 6/9. Jamie came close to defeating Rebo in round 6 when he emerged a piece up but Rebo was able to regain the piece and went onto secure victory.

In the under 14 division, Kundan Dharmapuri was awarded first place finishing on 7.5/9 which included a thrilling final round victory over Jamie Laubbacher. Naftali Resnick was awarded second on 5/9 with Celine Ong half a point behind in third on 4.5/9. Celine was also awarded the 2019 WA Girls Allegro Champion.

Harry Geronimo continued his good performance at junior tournaments to win the under 12 division on 6/9 with Oscar Gao and Minh Nguyen tying for second on 5.5/9. Barath Harirajesh produced some very encouraging results winning against some of the stronger players in the tournament and won the under 10 division on 5.5/9. He was also awarded the Biggest Upset trophy. The under 8 division was fought very closely throughout the day. Eamon Harris finished on 4/9 to finish first with second being shared between Chau Minh Nguyen, Eric Deng and Isaac Li on 3/9.

Apart from some late arrivals and a withdrawal in the afternoon, the tournament ran smoothly with minimal disputes. The chess was played in good spirit although numbers were lower than last year. I would like to thank all players for participating and for their cooperation throughout the day. A special thank you as well to Alan Wolstencroft for his invaluable help throughout the day and also to Leeming Primary School and Southern Suburbs Chess Club for making the venue available.

Some nice photographs taken by Paul Harris are available from: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g3c32x63g5rfffk/AACqZP59dlMdiKyzHtDJUMkma?dl=0

Report kindly provided by: Evan Yeung.

Prize winners

  Under 18
  1st - Rebo Fu
  2nd - Kevin Shah Mansouri
 =3rd - Jamie Laubbacher & Brent Geronimo

  Under 14
  1st - Kundan Dharmapuri
  2nd - Naftali Resnick
  3rd - Celine Ong

  Under 12
  1st - Harry Geronimo
 =2nd - Oscar Gao & Minh Nguyen
  3rd - Max Murray

  Under 10
  1st - Barath Harirajesh
  2nd - Anthony Nguyen
  3rd - Yonal De Vas

  Under 8
  1st - Eamon Harris
 =2nd - Chau Minh Nguyen, Eric Deng & Isaac Li  
  3rd - Senudi De Vas

  Merit trophies
  Daniel Levin (U/10), Aaron Levine (U/12)
  Alex Warton (U/12) & Ishaan Barbare (U/12)

  Girls Champion
  Celine Ong

  Upset Award
  Barath Harirajesh

2019 WA Junior Allegro Final Standings

  Pos  Pts  ID   NAME                      | Rtg  PRtg Fed   
  1  8.0   1     Yihe Fu                   | 2145 1264 AUS 
  2  7.5   5     Kundan Dharmapuri         | 1486  881 AUS 
  3  6.5  23     Kevin Shah Mansouri       |    0 1275 AUS 
  4  6.0   3     Jamie Laubbacher          | 1551  982 AUS 
  5  6.0   2     Brent Geronimo            | 1776  781 AUS 
  6  6.0   6     Harry Geronimo            | 1131  555 AUS 
  7  5.5  16     Barath Harirajesh         |    0  977 AUS 
  8  5.5   4     Oscar Gao                 | 1551  544 AUS 
  9  5.5   8     Minh Nguyen               |  948  279 AUS 
 10  5.0  10     Max Murray                |  724  659 AUS 
 11  5.0  15     Anthony Nguyen            |    0  658 AUS 
 12  5.0  30     Yash Mereddy              |    0  624 AUS 
 13  5.0  26     Ram Manav Soni            |    0  698 AUS 
 14  5.0  25     Naftali Resnick           |    0  341 AUS 
 15  4.5   7     Celine Ong                |  998  338 AUS 
 16  4.5  12     Yonal De Vas              |  476  443 AUS 
 17  4.0  13     Aaron Levine              |    0  565 AUS
 18  4.0  22     Ishaan Barbare            |    0  487 AUS 
 19  4.0  18     Eamon Harris              |    0  375 AUS 
 20  4.0  14     Alex Warton               |    0  201 AUS 
 21  4.0  11     Daniel Levin              |  489  201 AUS 
 22  4.0  27     Raphael Resnick           |    0  170 AUS 
 23  4.0  31     Yuvan Muthusami           |    0    0 AUS 
 24  3.5  29     Shuvekha Siva Peragasam   |    0  199 AUS 
 25  3.0   9     Surya Kanan           (W) |  759  259 AUS 
 26  3.0  17     Chau Minh Nguyen          |    0  252 AUS 
 27  3.0  21     Isaac Li                  |    0  316 AUS 
 28  3.0  19     Eric Deng                 |    0   47 AUS 
 29  2.5  20     Heshikka Siva Peragasam   |    0   74 AUS 
 30  2.5  28     Senudi De Vas             |    0    0 AUS 
 31  1.0  24     Lucas Cao                 |    0    0 AUS 

2019 WA Junior Allegro Cross Table

 Pos NAME                 Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9   
   1 Yihe Fu              2145     AUS  8.0 | +W7   +B17  +W8   +B3   +W5   +B4   =W2   =B6   +W10  
   2 Kundan Dharmapuri    1486     AUS  7.5 | +W27  -B3   +W11  +B19  +W14  +B5   =B1   +W7   +B4    
   3 Kevin Shah Mansouri     0     AUS  6.5 | +B15  +W2   +B18  -W1   -B4   +W16  =W8   +B5   +B7   
   4 Jamie Laubbacher     1551     AUS  6.0 | +W19  +B11  +W25  -B5   +W3   -W1   +B12  +B8   -W2   
   5 Brent Geronimo       1776     AUS  6.0 | +B26  +W10  +B13  +W4   -B1   -W2   +B17  -W3   +B11   
   6 Harry Geronimo       1131     AUS  6.0 | =B18  -W13  +B26  +W29  +B15  +W10  -B7   =W1   +B12  
   7 Barath Harirajesh       0     AUS  5.5 | -B1   +W30  =B15  +W24  +B25  +B8   +W6   -B2   -W3   
   8 Oscar Gao            1551     AUS  5.5 | +B28  +W16  -B1   +W13  +B12  -W7   =B3   -W4   +B17   
   9 Minh Nguyen           948     AUS  5.5 | =BYE  -W18  +B22  -W15  -B24  +W13  +B29  +W20  +B16  
  10 Max Murray            724     AUS  5.0 | +W14  -B5   -W19  +B27  +W11  -B6   +W21  +B18  -B1    
  11 Anthony Nguyen          0     AUS  5.0 | +B23  -W4   -B2   +W22  -B10  +W24  +B20  +W17  -W5   
  12 Yash Mereddy            0     AUS  5.0 | -B20  +BYE  +W17  +B25  -W8   +B19  -W4   +B14  -W6    
  13 Ram Manav Soni          0     AUS  5.0 | +W21  +B6   -W5   -B8   -W17  -B9   +W28  +B19  +W18  
  14 Naftali Resnick         0     AUS  5.0 | -B10  +W26  +B16  +W20  -B2   -B17  +W19  -W12  +B22  
  15 Celine Ong            998     AUS  4.5 | -W3   +B27  =W7   +B9   -W6   -B18  +B24  -W16  +W21  
  16 Yonal De Vas          476     AUS  4.5 | +W22  -B8   -W14  +B23  +W21  -B3   =W18  +B15  -W9    
  17 Aaron Levine            0     AUS  4.0 | +B30  -W1   -B12  +W28  +B13  +W14  -W5   -B11  -W8    
  18 Ishaan Barbare          0     AUS  4.0 | =W6   +B9   -W3   -B21  +B29  +W15  =B16  -W10  -B13  
  19 Eamon Harris            0     AUS  4.0 | -B4   +W23  +B10  -W2   +B20  -W12  -B14  -W13  +B26   
  20 Alex Warton             0     AUS  4.0 | +W12  -B25  +W21  -B14  -W19  +B23  -W11  -B9   +W24   
  21 Daniel Levin          489     AUS  4.0 | -B13  +W31  -B20  +W18  -B16  +W22  -B10  +W26  -B15  
  22 Raphael Resnick         0     AUS  4.0 | -B16  +W28  -W9   -B11  +W31  -B21  +W27  +B29  -W14  
  23 Yuvan Muthusami         0     AUS  4.0 | -W11  -B19  +BYE  -W16  +B28  -W20  -B26  +W31  +B30  
  24 Shuvekha Siva Peraga    0     AUS  3.5 | =BYE  =BYE  =BYE  -B7   +W9   -B11  -W15  +W30  -B20   
  25 Surya Kanan      (W)  759     AUS  3.0 | +B31  +W20  -B4   -W12  -W7   +B27   --    --    --   
  26 Chau Minh Nguyen        0     AUS  3.0 | -W5   -B14  -W6   +B31  -W27  +B28  +W23  -B21  -W19 
  27 Isaac Li                0     AUS  3.0 | -B2   -W15  +B30  -W10  +B26  -W25  -B22  -W28  +B31   
  28 Eric Deng               0     AUS  3.0 | -W8   -B22  +W31  -B17  -W23  -W26  -B13  +B27  +W29   
  29 Heshikka Siva Peraga    0     AUS  2.5 | =BYE  =BYE  =BYE  -B6   -W18  +B31  -W9   -W22  -B28   
  30 Senudi De Vas           0     AUS  2.5 | -W17  -B7   -W27  +BYE  =BYE  =BYE  =BYE  -B24  -W23  
  31 Lucas Cao               0     AUS  1.0 | -W25  -B21  -B28  -W26  -B22  -W29  +BYE  -B23  -W27