2021 Valentine's Day Rapid Tournament

The Valentine's One Day Rapid Play tournament (ACF Quick rated) was held at the North Woodvale Primary School on 14th February.

There were two divisions, Open and Under 1400 and six rounds, (time limit 25 minutes plus 10 second increments).

The Open division consisted of 9 players. Rebo got off to a good start and after five rounds he had an unassailable lead of 4.5 points. He lost the last round to Saminda, but still finished in first place. Second place was a closely contested affair and was eventually shared by Derek, Iker, Ned, and Saminda. Iker's performance in this tournament was particularly good considering his much lower rating.

The Under 1400 division consisting of 13 players was closely contested with the lead changing hands several times. A strong start by Anthony Miner and Virudhagiri Muruganandam meant that after three rounds they were sharing the lead. However, fortunes changed and going into the last round the key game was between Herbert Cadag and Niels Hansen. Niels won and secured first place. Second place depended on the last round game between Anthony and Eric Deng. Eric won and secured second place, (a good performance from the Under 8 Junior State Champion).

The prize winners were:

Open Division
1st: Yihe (Rebo) Fu (4.5), =2nd: Derek Elkington, Iker Hernandez Mendez, Nedeljko Tomic & Saminda De Vas (4.0)

Under 1400
1st: Niels Hansen (5.0), 2nd: Eric Deng (4.5), =3rd: Herbert Cadag & Celine Ong (4.0)

Special thanks to Andrew Hardegen who helped me set up the Vega files for the tournament and to Dylan Gough who provided invaluable assistance during the tournament.

Report kindly provided by Alan Wolstencroft.

Open Final Standings

 Pos  N     NAME                      | Rtg  PRtg Fed |  Pts   Buc1  BucT  
  1   1     Fu,Yihe (Rebo)            | 2155 1839  WA |  4.5   16.5  17.0
  2   2     De Vas,Saminda            | 1923 1730  WA |  4.0   18.0  20.0
  3   6     Tomic,Nedeljko            | 1477 1662  WA |  4.0   17.5  19.5
  4   3     Elkington,Derek           | 1895 1747  WA |  4.0   17.0  19.0
  5   9     Hernandez Mendez,Iker     |  988 1738  WA |  4.0   16.5  17.0
  6   4     Laubbacher,Jamie          | 1781 1571  WA |  3.0   18.5  19.0
  7   5     Gough,Dylan               | 1546 1552  WA |  3.0   15.0  15.5
  8   7     Boswarva,Ernest           | 1336 1470  WA |  2.5   15.5  16.0
  9   8     De Heer,Alex              | 1256  761  WA |  1.0   15.0  17.0

Open Cross Table

 Pos NAME                 Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6   |  Buc1  BucT  
  1  Fu,Yihe (Rebo)       2155      WA  4.5 | +B7   =W6   +B9   +B4   +W3   -W2   |  16.5  17.0 
  2  De Vas,Saminda       1923      WA  4.0 | +W3   +B5   -W4   =B6   =W8   +B1   |  18.0  20.0
  3  Tomic,Nedeljko       1477      WA  4.0 | -B2   +W8   +B7   +W5   -B1   +BYE  |  17.5  19.5 
  4  Elkington,Derek      1895      WA  4.0 | +B8   +W7   +B2   -W1   -B5   +W6   |  17.0  19.0 
  5  Hernandez Mendez,Ike  988      WA  4.0 | +BYE  -W2   +B6   -B3   +W4   +W9   |  16.5  17.0
  6  Laubbacher,Jamie     1781      WA  3.0 | +W9   =B1   -W5   =W2   +BYE  -B4   |  18.5  19.0
  7  Gough,Dylan          1546      WA  3.0 | -W1   -B4   -W3   +BYE  +B9   +B8   |  15.0  15.5
  8  Boswarva,Ernest      1336      WA  2.5 | -W4   -B3   +BYE  +W9   =B2   -W7   |  15.5  16.0 
  9  De Heer,Alex         1256      WA  1.0 | -B6   +BYE  -W1   -B8   -W7   -B5   |  15.0  17.0

U/1400 Final Standings

 Pos  N     NAME                      | Rtg  PRtg Fed |  Pts  Buc1  BucT  
  1  10     Hansen, Niels             |    0  907 AUS |  5.0  16.5  18.0
  2   5     Deng,Eric                 |  824  606  WA |  4.5  13.5  15.0
  3   2     Ong,Celine                | 1209  388  WA |  4.0  19.0  19.5
  4   8     Cadag, Herbert            |    0 1029 AUS |  4.0  18.5  21.5
  5   1     Muruganandam,Virudhagiri  | 1326  337  WA |  4.0  17.5  19.0
  6  12     Turner, Dylan             |    0  715 AUS |  3.5  16.0  16.5
  7   3     De Vas,Yonal              | 1091  360  WA |  3.5  14.0  14.5
  8   4     Milner,Anthony            | 1042  540  WA |  3.0  21.0  24.0
  9   6     Zhang,Emily               |  756  383  WA |  3.0  16.0  17.5
 10  11     Rafiei Darani,Daryoush    |    0  432 AUS |  2.5  18.5  19.0
 11  13     Veselinovic,Stefan        |    0  340  WA |  2.0  16.5  18.0
 12   7     De Vas,Senudi             |  228  190  WA |  2.0  16.0  16.5
 13   9     Callaghan, Enda           |    0    0 AUS |  1.0  14.0  15.5

U/1400 Cross Table

 Pos NAME                 Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6   |  Buc1  BucT  
  1  Hansen, Niels           0     AUS  5.0 | -B8   +W12  +B3   +W10  +W5   +B4   |  16.5  18.0
  2  Deng,Eric             824      WA  4.5 | =B10  -W3   +B12  +W11  +B6   +W8   |  13.5  15.0
  3  Ong,Celine           1209      WA  4.0 | -W4   +B2   -W1   +B13  +BYE  +W9   |  19.0  19.5
  4  Cadag, Herbert          0     AUS  4.0 | +B3   -B5   +W7   +W9   +B8   -W1   |  18.5  21.5
  5  Muruganandam,Virudha 1326      WA  4.0 | +B12  +W4   =B8   =W6   -B1   +W10  |  17.5  19.0
  6  Turner, Dylan           0     AUS  3.5 | +B9   -W8   +W13  =B5   -W2   +B11  |  16.0  16.5
  7  De Vas,Yonal         1091      WA  3.5 | +B13  +W11  -B4   =W8   -B9   +BYE  |  14.0  14.5
  8  Milner,Anthony       1042      WA  3.0 | +W1   +B6   =W5   =B7   -W4   -B2   |  21.0  24.0
  9  Zhang,Emily           756      WA  3.0 | -W6   +W10  +B11  -B4   +W7   -B3   |  16.0  17.5
 10  Rafiei Darani,Daryou    0     AUS  2.5 | =W2   -B9   +BYE  -B1   +W13  -B5   |  18.5  19.0
 11  Veselinovic,Stefan      0      WA  2.0 | +BYE  -B7   -W9   -B2   +W12  -W6   |  16.5  18.0
 12  De Vas,Senudi         228      WA  2.0 | -W5   -B1   -W2   +BYE  -B11  +W13  |  16.0  16.5
 13  Callaghan, Enda         0     AUS  1.0 | -W7   +BYE  -B6   -W3   -B10  -B12  |  14.0  15.5