2022 March UWA Blitz Tournament

On Sunday, 27th March a Blitz tournament was held at the University of Western Australia in the E-Zone building. There were two separate tournaments an Open (with four rating sections) and an Under 800. The former had 20 players and the latter 17 players.

Open Tournament

2022 March UWA Blitz Pic1
2022 March UWA Blitz Pic2 2022 March UWA Blitz Pic3

 Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11  | Buc1  BucT  
  1  Fu,Yihe (Rebo)                   0      WA  11.0 | +W18 +B10 +W3  +B2  +W8  +B4  +W7  +B6  +W12 +B13 +B9  | 60.5  64.5 
  2  Gong,Patrick                     0  FM  WA  10.0 | +B6  +W4  +B8  -W1  +B3  +W5  +B15 +W9  +B7  +W12 +B10 | 63.0  67.5 
  3  Shah,Neville                     0      WA   9.0 | +B14 +W20 -B1  +W17 -W2  +B12 +W8  +B13 +W6  +B4  +W7  | 61.0  64.0 
  4  Fitzmaurice,Garth                0      WA   6.5 | +W16 -B2  +W12 =B6  +W17 -W1  -B9  +B8  +W5  -W3  +B13 | 65.0  69.0 
  5  Dharmapuri,Sri Krishna Kousel    0      WA   6.0 | -B17 +W7  +B20 -W8  +B14 -B2  -W12 +W11 -B4  +W15 +B6  | 55.0  58.0 
  6  Davoll,Josh                      0      WA   5.5 | -W2  +B16 +W11 =W4  +B7  -B8  +W10 -W1  -B3  +B18 -W5  | 67.5  71.5 
  7  Gao,Oscar                        0      WA   5.5 | =W13 -B5  +W19 +B12 -W6  +B17 -B1  +W15 -W2  +B8  -B3  | 64.0  67.0 
  8  Boon,John                        0      WA   5.0 | +W11 +B13 -W2  +B5  -B1  +W6  -B3  -W4  +B9  -W7  -B16 | 68.0  72.5 
  9  Ahmad,Zeeshan                    0      WA   5.0 | -B10 +B18 -W13 -W14 +B11 +B19 +W4  -B2  -W8  +B20 -W1  | 58.5  61.5 
 10  Gough,Dylan                      0      WA   5.0 | +W9  -W1  -B17 +B11 =W20 +W14 -B6  -B12 =W18 +B19 -W2  | 56.5  59.5 
 11  Fry,Joshua                       0      WA   5.0 | -B8  +W15 -B6  -W10 -W9  -B16 +W19 -B5  +W20 +B14 +W18 | 47.0  50.0 
 12  De Vas,Saminda                   0      WA   4.5 | +B15 =W17 -B4  -W7  +B13 -W3  +B5  +W10 -B1  -B2  -W14 | 66.5  70.5 
 13  Harris,Eamon                     0      WA   4.5 | =B7  -W8  +B9  -W20 -W12 +B18 +W17 -W3  +B16 -W1  -W4  | 59.0  62.0 
 14  De Vas,Yonal                     0      WA   4.5 | -W3  =B19 =W18 +B9  -W5  -B10 +W16 -B17 =B15 -W11 +B12 | 51.5  54.5 
 15  Deng,Eric                        0      WA   4.5 | -W12 -B11 =W16 +B19 +W18 +B20 -W2  -B7  =W14 -B5  =W17 | 51.0  54.0 
 16  Rafiei Darani,Daryoush           0      WA   4.5 | -B4  -W6  =B15 -B18 -W19 +W11 -B14 +W20 -W13 +B17 +W8  | 46.5  49.5 
 17  Raptis,Liam                      0      WA   4.0 | +W5  =B12 +W10 -B3  -B4  -W7  -B13 +W14 -B19 -W16 =B15 | 54.5  57.5 
 18  Gupta,Aarnav                     0      WA   4.0 | -B1  -W9  =B14 +W16 -B15 -W13 +B20 +W19 =B10 -W6  -B11 | 52.5  55.5 
 19  Lim,Jin Yu                       0      WA   3.5 | -B20 =W14 -B7  -W15 +B16 -W9  -B11 -B18 +W17 -W10 +BYE | 45.0  47.5 
 20  Nelson,Simeon                    0      WA   3.0 | +W19 -B3  -W5  +B13 =B10 -W15 -W18 -B16 -B11 -W9  =BYE | 50.5  53.5 

The eleven round Open tournament consisted of four ratings groups. The Open was won convincingly by Yihe Fu (Rebo), with a perfect score of 11/11. Rebo thus continued his excellent Grand Prix results from last year. The Under 1850 was won by Sri Krishna Kousel Dharmapuri with 6. The Under 1550 was won by Josh Davoll with 5.5. The Under 1200 was won by Albany newcomer John Boon with 5. It was encouraging to have three other newcomers Zeeshan Ahmad, Garth Fritzmaurice and Simeon Nelson participating.

Cash prizes were given to 10 of the 20 competitors.

Open Prize Winners

1st: Yihe Fu (Rebo) (11/11), 2nd: Patrick Gong (10/11), 3rd: Neville Shah (9/11)

Under 1850 Prize Winners

1st: Sri Krishna Kousel Dharmapuri (6/11), 2nd: Dylan Gough (5/11)

Under 1550 Prize Winners

1st: Josh Davoll (5.5/11), 2nd: Joshua Fry (5/11)

Under 1200 Prize Winners

1st: John Boon (5/11) [higher Buchholz score], 2nd: Zeeshan Ahmad (5/11), 3rd: Eamon Harris (4.5/11)

Under 800 Division

2022 March UWA Blitz Pic4
2022 March UWA Blitz Pic5 2022 March UWA Blitz Pic6

 Pos NAME                          Rtg  T  Fed  Pts |   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11  | Buc1  BucT  
  1  Yu,Bruce                        0      WA 10.5 | +W12 +B6  +W5  +W2  +B7  +W4  =B3  +B11 +W10 +B9  +B13 | 64.5  68.0 
  2  Sethuraman,Jaswanth Ram         0      WA  9.0 | +W15 +B10 +W7  -B1  +W5  -W3  +B8  +W4  +B11 +B6  +B12 | 66.0  69.0 
  3  Lee,Lucas                       0      WA  8.0 | =B4  +W13 -B11 +W12 +W10 +B2  =W1  +B5  -W6  +B7  +W14 | 65.0  68.0 
  4  Bocancea,Daniel                 0      WA  7.5 | =W3  +B8  -W10 +B6  +W16 -B1  +W9  -B2  +W5  +B17 +W7  | 65.5  66.5 
  5  De Vas,Senudi                   0      WA  7.0 | +B9  +W14 -B1  +W11 -B2  +W6  +B7  -W3  -B4  +W8  +B10 | 68.5  71.5 
  6  Oliveiro,Rayden                 0      WA  7.0 | +B13 -W1  +B14 -W4  +B11 -B5  +W17 +W8  +B3  -W2  +BYE | 65.0  66.0 
  7  Davoll,Dominic                  0      WA  6.0 | +B16 +W11 -B2  +W9  -W1  +B10 -W5  +B12 +B15 -W3  -B4  | 65.5  68.0 
  8  Gough,Sebastian                 0      WA  6.0 | -B11 -W4  +B13 +W15 +B9  +W14 -W2  -B6  +BYE -B5  +W17 | 55.0  56.0 
  9  McDonald,Tristan                0      WA  6.0 | -W5  +B12 +W15 -B7  -W8  +BYE -B4  +W13 +B17 -W1  +W16 | 55.0  56.0 
 10  Walker,Sebastian                0      WA  5.5 | +B17 -W2  +B4  +W16 -B3  -W7  =B12 +BYE -B1  +W13 -W5  | 64.0  65.0 
 11  Ranamuka,Tharul                 0      WA  5.5 | +W8  -B7  +W3  -B5  -W6  +B16 +B14 -W1  -W2  +BYE =B15 | 63.0  65.5 
 12  Ashok,Akash,                    0      WA  5.5 | -B1  -W9  +BYE -B3  +W17 +B15 =W10 -W7  +B14 +B16 -W2  | 56.5  57.5 
 13  Kalloor,Abner                   0      WA  4.0 | -W6  -B3  -W8  +BYE -B14 +B17 +W15 -B9  +W16 -B10 -W1  | 53.0  54.0 
 14  Wang,Albert Guo                 0      WA  3.5 | +BYE -B5  -W6  =B17 +W13 -B8  -W11 +B16 -W12 -W15 -B3  | 51.0  52.0 
 15  Perera,Kaviru                   0      WA  3.5 | -B2  -W16 -B9  -B8  +BYE -W12 -B13 +W17 -W7  +B14 =W11 | 48.0  49.0 
 16  Bocancea,Sebastian              0      WA  3.0 | -W7  +B15 +W17 -B10 -B4  -W11 +BYE -W14 -B13 -W12 -B9  | 47.5  48.5 
 17  Ranamuka,Thisath                0      WA  1.5 | -W10 +BYE -B16 =W14 -B12 -W13 -B6  -B15 -W9  -W4  -B8  | 49.0  51.5 

This division was specifically designed for our younger players with lower ratings who wanted to experience a Blitz tournament. Most of the players were Primary school students with a few Secondary school students. The tournament initially evolved into a neck and neck race between the two favourites, Jaswanth Ram Sethuraman (Winner of the Under 800s tournament at the State Library this January) and Bruce Yu (runner up in the Under 800s UWA Xmas Blitz last year). In round 4 Bruce beat Jaswanth and after that he was unstoppable finishing with 10.5/11. His only draw was with newcomer Lucas Lee who came third behind Jaswanth who had to settle for second place. Newcomer Rayden Oliveiro did well to finish in the prize list considering some of the experienced opposition. Senudi De Vas the only girl in the competition also did well to finish in the prize list.

Cash prizes were given to the top six players.

Under 800 Prize Winners

1st: Bruce Yu (10.5/11), 2nd: Jaswanth Ram Sethuraman (9/11), 3rd: Lucas Lee (8/11), 4th: Daniel Bocancea (7.5/11), 5th: Senudi De Vas (7/11) [higher Buchholz score], 6th: Rayden Oliveiro (7/11)

Special thanks to two members of the UWA Chess Club, Kevin Shah Mansouri, the President of the UWA chess club who booked the venue and Joshua Fry who was there nice and early on Sunday morning to help me set up the tables and equipment. Dylan Gough acted as assistant arbiter and Stacey Walker did an excellent job supervising the Under 800s whilst I was moving between the two rooms as overall controller. Thanks also to Paul Harris who helped me out on some basic computer and Vega issues during the tournament. Finally, thanks to the University of WA for providing such an excellent venue, with good lighting, projectors and air-conditioning.

Report kindly provided by Alan Wolstencroft