2023 WA Allegro Championship

2023 WA Allegro Championship Pic 1 2023 WA Allegro Championship Pic 2
2023 WA Allegro Championship Pic 3 2023 WA Allegro Championship Pic 4

The 2023 WA Allegro Championship was held at the Saint George Hotel on Sunday 12th March.

Thanks go to Tim Hare, Ian McAteer, Dylan Gough, David Barry and Dominador Andador for their invaluable help with the organisation and setting up on the day.

Congratulations to the following prizewinners:

2023 WA Allegro Champion: IM Patrick Gong (9.0/9)

2nd: FM Yihe (Rebo) Fu (7.5/9)

3rd and 2023 WA Seniors' Allegro Champion: Bozidar Mandic (7.0/9)

4th: Oscar Gao (6.5/9)

Equal 5th: Tim Hare (6.0/9)
Equal 5th: Jamie Laubbacher (6.0/9)
Equal 5th: Marc Vlietstra (6.0/9)

2023 WA Women's Allegro Champion: WFM Kathryn Hardegen (5.5/9)

Equal 1st Under 1850 ACF Quick: Dominador Andador (5.5/9)
Equal 1st Under 1850 ACF Quick: Josh Davoll (5.5/9)
Equal 1st Under 1850 ACF Quick: Dylan Gough (5.5/9)
Equal 1st Under 1850 ACF Quick: Noah Taylor (5.5/9)

Equal 1st Under 1450 ACF Quick: Eamon Harris (5.5/9)
Equal 1st Under 1450 ACF Quick: Alex de Heer (5.5/9)

1st Under 1330 ACF Quick: Ashvin Balavignan (5.5/9)
Equal 2nd Under 1330 ACF Quick: Merson Joseph King (5.0/9)
Equal 2nd Under 1330 ACF Quick: Lyndon While (5.0/9)
Equal 2nd Under 1330 ACF Quick: Daniel Clarke (5.0/9)
Equal 2nd Under 1330 ACF Quick: Hui Huang (5.0/9)

1st Unrated: Zuhayer Mahruz (4.5/9)

Equal 1st Under 950 ACF Quick: Leo Gong (4.0/9)
Equal 1st Under 950 ACF Quick: Sebastian Walker (4.0/9)

Report kindly provided by: FA Andrew Hardegen (Chief Arbiter -- 2023 WA Allegro Championship)

Final Standings

 Pos  N     NAME                      | Rtg  PRtg Fed |  Pts    Buc1  BucT  
  1   1  IM Gong,Patrick              | 2452 2701  WA |  9.0    50.0  55.0 
  2   2  FM Fu,Yihe (Rebo)            | 2323 2081  WA |  7.5    50.5  55.5
  3   3     Mandic,Bozidar            | 2169 1762  WA |  7.0    47.0  50.5
  4   9     Gao,Oscar                 | 1835 1804  WA |  6.5    45.5  49.0
  5   5     Hare,Tim                  | 2088 1823  WA |  6.0    48.0  51.5
  6   6     Laubbacher,Jamie          | 1872 1590  WA |  6.0    45.0  49.5
  7   4     Vlietstra,Marc            | 2129 1699  WA |  6.0    44.5  48.0
  8   7 WFM Hardegen,Kathryn          | 1851 1787  WA |  5.5    50.5  54.5
  9  13     Andador,Dominador         | 1546 1468  WA |  5.5    44.0  47.5
 10  34     Balavignan,Ashvin         |  884 1736  WA |  5.5    43.0  46.0
 11  10     Davoll,Josh               | 1716 1184  WA |  5.5    41.0  42.5
 12  18     Harris,Eamon              | 1411 1524  WA |  5.5    40.5  44.0
 13  15     Gough,Dylan               | 1491 1364  WA |  5.5    38.5  41.5
 14  12     Taylor,Noah               | 1564 1257  WA |  5.5    37.0  40.5
 15  21     De Heer,Alex              | 1363 1070  WA |  5.5    33.5  35.0
 16  26     King,Merson Joseph        | 1125 1563  WA |  5.0    43.0  46.0
 17   8     Dharmapuri,Sri Krishna Ko | 1839 1426  WA |  5.0    41.0  44.5
 18  24     While,Lyndon              | 1322 1239  WA |  5.0    40.0  43.5
 19  25     Clarke,Daniel             | 1293 1301  WA |  5.0    39.5  42.5
 20  27     Huang,Hui                 | 1112 1211  WA |  5.0    38.5  41.5
 21  11     Maltman,Matthew           | 1577 1026 ACT |  5.0    37.5  40.5
 22  16     Barry,David               | 1447 1260  WA |  4.5    40.5  43.5 
 23  17     Rafiei Darani,Daryoush    | 1445 1263  WA |  4.5    40.5  41.0 
 24  23     Hansen,Niels              | 1337 1078  WA |  4.5    39.5  42.5
 25  20     Ong,Celine                | 1371 1170  WA |  4.5    38.5  40.0
 26  30     Cavosie-Pletsch,Yasmina   |  973 1104  WA |  4.5    36.5  38.0 
 27  28     Kemsley,Kevin             | 1032  830 NSW |  4.5    36.5  37.0 
 28  47     Mahruz,Zuhayer            |    0  931 AUS |  4.5    32.0  32.5
 29  32     Bui,Anthony               |  951  918  SA |  4.0    39.0  42.0
 30  48     Puthanpurakkal,Ranjith    |    0 1201 AUS |  4.0    38.5  40.0
 31  31     Wu,Kobe                   |  957  919  WA |  4.0    34.5  36.0
 32  38     Gong,Leo                  |  668 1005  WA |  4.0    33.0  34.5
 33  42     Anamwong,Kane             |    0  906 AUS |  4.0    31.0  32.5
 34  37     Walker,Sebastian          |  690  509  WA |  4.0    28.5  29.0
 35  22     Gupta,Aarnav              | 1348 1275  WA |  3.5    43.0  46.0
 36  29     Shanmuganathan,Angelmo    | 1019 1235  WA |  3.5    38.5  41.5
 37  36     Chen,Albert               |  724  870  WA |  3.5    35.0  35.5
 38  33     Sethuraman,Jaswanth Ram   |  891  710  WA |  3.5    34.5  36.0
 39  35     Davoll,Dominic            |  790  660  WA |  3.0    35.0  38.0
 40  19     Oswald,Franz              | 1378  622  WA |  3.0    34.5  37.5
 41  39     Perera,Kaviru             |  505  659  WA |  3.0    32.0  32.5
 42  40     Batahena,Ayun             |  224  570  WA |  3.0    28.5  29.0
 43  45     Cu,Ford                   |    0  364  WA |  3.0    25.5  26.0
 44  14     Tomic,Nedeljko        (W) | 1544 1039  WA |  2.5    38.0  41.5
 45  44     Burdett,Samuel            |    0  332 AUS |  2.0    30.0  31.5
 46  43     Beh,Devon                 |    0  194 AUS |  2.0    28.0  29.5
 47  41     Walker,Samantha           |  121    0  WA |  1.0    29.5  31.0
 48  46     Diaz Ruiz,Edgar       (W) |    0  724 AUS |  1.0    28.5  30.5

Cross Table

 Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9   |  Buc1  BucT  
  1  Gong,Patrick                   2452  IM  WA  9.0 | +W19  +B9   +W8   +B7   +W6   +B2   +W3   +B4   +W5   |  50.0  55.0 
  2  Fu,Yihe (Rebo)                 2323  FM  WA  7.5 | +B16  +W13  +B4   +W3   +B9   -W1   +B8   =B5   +W11  |  50.5  55.5 
  3  Mandic,Bozidar                 2169      WA  7.0 | +W20  +B44  +W30  -B2   +W17  +B6   -B1   +W10  +B8   |  47.0  50.5 
  4  Gao,Oscar                      1835      WA  6.5 | +W38  +B24  -W2   =B5   +B22  +W35  +B23  -W1   +W12  |  45.5  49.0 
  5  Hare,Tim                       2088      WA  6.0 | +W36  =B22  +B18  =W4   =B35  +W12  +B7   =W2   -B1   |  48.0  51.5 
  6  Laubbacher,Jamie               1872      WA  6.0 | +B26  +W25  +B10  +W22  -B1   -W3   -B16  +W23  +B18  |  45.0  49.5 
  7  Vlietstra,Marc                 2129      WA  6.0 | +B27  +W23  +B35  -W1   +B13  -B8   -W5   +W24  +B16  |  44.5  48.0 
  8  Hardegen,Kathryn               1851 WFM  WA  5.5 | +W31  +B15  -B1   +W25  +B10  +W7   -W2   =B11  -W3   |  50.5  54.5 
  9  Andador,Dominador              1546      WA  5.5 | +W34  -W1   +B27  +B36  -W2   -W16  +B20  =B19  +W22  |  44.0  47.5 
 10  Balavignan,Ashvin               884      WA  5.5 | +W11  +B40  -W6   +B44  -W8   +B22  +W14  -B3   =W15  |  43.0  46.0 
 11  Davoll,Josh                    1716      WA  5.5 | -B10  -W33  +B45  +W37  +B18  +W24  +B13  =W8   -B2   |  41.0  42.5 
 12  Harris,Eamon                   1411      WA  5.5 |  --   +B34  +W31  +W21  =B29  -B5   +W17  +W16  -B4   |  40.5  44.0 
 13  Gough,Dylan                    1491      WA  5.5 | +W41  -B2   +W20  +B30  -W7   =B36  -W11  +W40  +B25  |  38.5  41.5 
 14  Taylor,Noah                    1564      WA  5.5 | +B37  -W18  +B16  -W35  +B27  +W29  -B10  +W25  =B17  |  37.0  40.5 
 15  De Heer,Alex                   1363      WA  5.5 | +B45  -W8   -B29  =W40  =B26  +W41  +B39  +W21  =B10  |  33.5  35.0 
 16  King,Merson Joseph             1125      WA  5.0 | -W2   +B41  -W14  +B39  +W44  +B9   +W6   -B12  -W7   |  43.0  46.0 
 17  Dharmapuri,Sri Krishna Kousel  1839      WA  5.0 | +B29  -W35  +B24  +W18  -B3   =W25  -B12  +W26  =W14  |  41.0  44.5 
 18  While,Lyndon                   1322      WA  5.0 | +W28  +B14  -W5   -B17  -W11  +B30  +W32  +B36  -W6   |  40.0  43.5 
 19  Clarke,Daniel                  1293      WA  5.0 | -B1   +W37  -B21  +W32  -B23  +W42  +B35  =W9   =B24  |  39.5  42.5 
 20  Huang,Hui                      1112      WA  5.0 | -B3   +W32  -B13  +W48  +B21  -W23  -W9   +B38  +W37  |  38.5  41.5 
 21  Maltman,Matthew                1577     ACT  5.0 | +W39  -B30  +W19  -B12  -W20  +W26  +B29  -B15  +W31  |  37.5  40.5 
 22  Barry,David                    1447      WA  4.5 | +B42  =W5   +B33  -B6   -W4   -W10  +B44  +W35  -B9   |  40.5  43.5 
 23  Rafiei Darani,Daryoush         1445      WA  4.5 | +W47  -B7   -W36  +B31  +W19  +B20  -W4   -B6   =W27  |  40.5  41.0 
 24  Hansen,Niels                   1337      WA  4.5 | +B48  -W4   -W17  +B38  +W30  -B11  +W28  -B7   =W19  |  39.5  42.5 
 25  Ong,Celine                     1371      WA  4.5 | +W46  -B6   +W38  -B8   +W33  =B17  +W36  -B14  -W13  |  38.5  40.0 
 26  Cavosie-Pletsch,Yasmina         973      WA  4.5 | -W6   +B46  -W44  +B28  =W15  -B21  +W37  -B17  +W36  |  36.5  38.0 
 27  Kemsley,Kevin                  1032     NSW  4.5 | -W7   +B47  -W9   +B43  -W14  -B28  +W30  +B32  =B23  |  36.5  37.0 
 28  Mahruz,Zuhayer                    0     AUS  4.5 | -B18  -B39  +W41  -W26  +B47  +W27  -B24  =W29  +B35  |  32.0  32.5 
 29  Bui,Anthony                     951      SA  4.0 | -W17  +B43  +W15  =B33  =W12  -B14  -W21  =B28  =W38  |  39.0  42.0 
 30  Puthanpurakkal,Ranjith            0     AUS  4.0 | +BYE  +W21  -B3   -W13  -B24  -W18  -B27  +B46  +W40  |  38.5  40.0 
 31  Wu,Kobe                         957      WA  4.0 | -B8   +W45  -B12  -W23  -B32  +W34  +B42  +W39  -B21  |  34.5  36.0 
 32  Gong,Leo                        668      WA  4.0 | -W44  -B20  +W46  -B19  +W31  +W40  -B18  -W27  +B39  |  33.0  34.5 
 33  Anamwong,Kane                     0     AUS  4.0 | =W40  +B11  -W22  =W29  -B25  -B39  -W38  +B43  +B45  |  31.0  32.5 
 34  Walker,Sebastian                690      WA  4.0 | -B9   -W12  -B48  +W47  -B42  -B31  +W45  +BYE  +W41  |  28.5  29.0 
 35  Gupta,Aarnav                   1348      WA  3.5 | +W43  +B17  -W7   +B14  =W5   -B4   -W19  -B22  -W28  |  43.0  46.0 
 36  Shanmuganathan,Angelmo         1019      WA  3.5 | -B5   +W42  +B23  -W9   +B40  =W13  -B25  -W18  -B26  |  38.5  41.5 
 37  Chen,Albert                     724      WA  3.5 | -W14  -B19  +W47  -B11  +W43  =B44  -B26  +W42  -B20  |  35.0  35.5 
 38  Sethuraman,Jaswanth Ram         891      WA  3.5 | -B4   +W48  -B25  -W24  -B41  +W46  +B33  -W20  =B29  |  34.5  36.0 
 39  Davoll,Dominic                  790      WA  3.0 | -B21  +W28  -B40  -W16  +B48  +W33  -W15  -B31  -W32  |  35.0  38.0 
 40  Oswald,Franz                   1378      WA  3.0 | =B33  -W10  +W39  =B15  -W36  -B32  +W41  -B13  -B30  |  34.5  37.5 
 41  Perera,Kaviru                   505      WA  3.0 | -B13  -W16  -B28  +W45  +W38  -B15  -B40  +W47  -B34  |  32.0  32.5 
 42  Batahena,Ayun                   224      WA  3.0 | -W22  -B36  -W43  +B46  +W34  -B19  -W31  -B37  +B47  |  28.5  29.0 
 43  Cu,Ford                           0      WA  3.0 | -B35  -W29  +B42  -W27  -B37  -W45  +B47  -W33  +B46  |  25.5  26.0 
 44  Tomic,Nedeljko             (W) 1544      WA  2.5 | +B32  -W3   +B26  -W10  -B16  =W37  -W22  -BYE   --   |  38.0  41.5 
 45  Burdett,Samuel                    0     AUS  2.0 | -W15  -B31  -W11  -B41  -W46  +B43  -B34  +BYE  -W33  |  30.0  31.5 
 46  Beh,Devon                         0     AUS  2.0 | -B25  -W26  -B32  -W42  +B45  -B38  +BYE  -W30  -W43  |  28.0  29.5 
 47  Walker,Samantha                 121      WA  1.0 | -B23  -W27  -B37  -B34  -W28  +BYE  -W43  -B41  -W42  |  29.5  31.0 
 48  Diaz Ruiz,Edgar            (W)    0     AUS  1.0 | -W24  -B38  +W34  -B20  -W39   --    --    --    --   |  28.5  30.5