2023 Willetton Open

The 2023 WIlletton Open was played on the weekend of the 19th and 20th August at Leeming Primary School.

Played over the Saturday and Sunday, some great games were played and some very interesting results were achieved.

Congratulations to the prize winners in each of the categories.

A big thank you also to Mark Howard for his contribution to the prizes issued at the conclusion.

Below are a list of the prize winners:

1st place went to Tim Hare with a fantastic score of 5.5 out of 6. Well done Tim 2nd place was won by Hui Huang, who played very well for this result.

In the U/1800 rating division congratulations to Gary Donaldson was his score of 4 out of 6, justifying the 5 hours trip he took to play in the tournament.

As scores were high amongst various divisions and some prizes were greater than the allocated prize for that division, these people received the following prizes.

1st Under 1550 went to Ashvin Balavignan, equal 4th in the overall standings and equal second in this division was shared between Eric Deng and Angus Chen.

Finally, in the under 1550 rating division the prizes were awarded as follows:

There was a three way division of the prizes going to Shiju Thomas, Kobe Wu and Akash Ashok all finishing on 3 out of 6.

Again well done to all prize winners and thanks to all the participants who made the tournament a success.

Report kindly provided by Dylan Gough.

Final Standings

 Pos  N     NAME                      | Rtg  PRtg Fed |  Pts    Buc1  BucT  
  1   1     Hare,Tim                  | 2275 2037  WA |  5.5    18.5  20.5
  2   8     Huang,Hui                 | 1705 1470  WA |  5.0    18.5  19.5
  3  10     Donaldson,Gary            | 1632 1884  WA |  4.0    21.0  24.0
  4  13     Balavignan,Ashvin         | 1457 1550  WA |  3.5    20.0  21.0
  5  11     Deng,Eric                 | 1588 1912  WA |  3.5    18.5  21.0
  6   7     Chen,Angus                | 1712 1348  WA |  3.5    16.5  18.5
  7   5     Taylor,Noah               | 1815 1280  WA |  3.0    16.5  18.5
  8   6     Simonds,Marcus            | 1764 1369  WA |  3.0    16.0  18.0
  9  18     Thomas,Shiju              |    0 1300  WA |  3.0    15.0  16.5
 10  12     Wu,Kobe                   | 1523 1404  WA |  3.0    14.5  16.5
 11  14     Ashok,Akash               |  847  948  WA |  3.0    13.0  14.0
 12   4     McAteer,Ian               | 1822 1227  WA |  2.5    15.5  17.5
 13  15     Sethuraman,Jaswanth Ram   |  824 1215  WA |  2.5    14.0  16.0
 14  16     Gong,Leo                  |  812 1105  WA |  2.5    12.5  13.5
 15   9     De Heer,Alex              | 1671 1105  WA |  2.0    16.5  17.5
 16  17     Huang, Yuqi               |    0  932  WA |  1.5    15.0  17.0
 17   3     Gunawan,Tjermin       (W) | 1910  975  WA |  1.5    13.5  15.5
 18   2     Gulley,Trent          (W) | 1924 1588  WA |  0.5    14.5  16.0

Cross Table

 Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6   |  Buc1  BucT  
  1  Hare,Tim                       2275      WA  5.5 | =B3   +W8   +B15  +W2   +B4   +W5   |  18.5  20.5 
  2  Huang,Hui                      1705      WA  5.0 | +W16  +B4   +W7   -B1   +B3   +W9   |  18.5  19.5 
  3  Donaldson,Gary                 1632      WA  4.0 | =W1   +B5   +W6   +B7   -W2   =W4   |  21.0  24.0 
  4  Balavignan,Ashvin              1457      WA  3.5 | +B12  -W2   +B16  +W10  -W1   =B3   |  20.0  21.0 
  5  Deng,Eric                      1588      WA  3.5 | =B18  -W3   +B8   +W12  +B6   -B1   |  18.5  21.0 
  6  Chen,Angus                     1712      WA  3.5 | +B14  +W10  -B3   =BYE  -W5   +B13  |  16.5  18.5 
  7  Taylor,Noah                    1815      WA  3.0 | +B11  +W15  -B2   -W3   -B9   +W12  |  16.5  18.5 
  8  Simonds,Marcus                 1764      WA  3.0 | =W13  -B1   -W5   +B15  +BYE  =W11  |  16.0  18.0 
  9  Thomas,Shiju                      0      WA  3.0 | -W15  -W11  +BYE  +B13  +W7   -B2   |  15.0  16.5 
 10  Wu,Kobe                        1523      WA  3.0 | +W17  -B6   +W11  -B4   -W13  +B15  |  14.5  16.5 
 11  Ashok,Akash                     847      WA  3.0 | -W7   +B9   -B10  =W16  +BYE  =B8   |  13.0  14.0 
 12  McAteer,Ian                    1822      WA  2.5 | -W4   +B13  =BYE  -B5   +W14  -B7   |  15.5  17.5 
 13  Sethuraman,Jaswanth Ram         824      WA  2.5 | =B8   -W12  +B14  -W9   +B10  -W6   |  14.0  16.0 
 14  Gong,Leo                        812      WA  2.5 | -W6   =B17  -W13  +BYE  -B12  +W16  |  12.5  13.5 
 15  De Heer,Alex                   1671      WA  2.0 | +B9   -B7   -W1   -W8   +B16  -W10  |  16.5  17.5 
 16  Huang, Yuqi                       0      WA  1.5 | -B2   +BYE  -W4   =B11  -W15  -B14  |  15.0  17.0 
 17  Gunawan,Tjermin            (W) 1910      WA  1.5 | -B10  =W14  =BYE  =BYE  -BYE   --   |  13.5  15.5 
 18  Gulley,Trent               (W) 1924      WA  0.5 | =W5    --    --    --    --    --   |  14.5  16.0