2025 Australian Junior Chess Championships

Manning Community Centre

(See the Photo Gallery below for more photos)

The 2025 Australian Junior Chess Championships was proudly hosted by the Chess Association of Western Australia in Perth, Western Australia from the 13th to the 21st of January at Manning Community Hall, 2 Conochie Cres, Manning WA 6152.

Official website: https://sites.google.com/view/ajcc-perth-2025/home

Pairings and results for all classical tournaments have been uploaded to chess-results: https://chess-results.com/tnr1098932.aspx

2025 AJCC Under 18 Open - Prizewinners

  1st & 2025 Australian Under 18 Open Chess Champion: FM Rui Gen Teh WA (7.0/9)

  2nd: CM Saisiddharth Naraharasetty NSW (6.0/9)

 =3rd: Alex Devin QLD & Shaurya Jain QLD (6.0/9)

  5th & 6th: Seth Peramunetilleke NSW & Ashvin Balavignan WA (6.0/9)

 Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    |    PS  
  1  Teh,Rui Gen                    2338  FM  WA  7.0 | =B8   =W6   +B12  +W15  +B3   +W2   +B5   =W4   =B7    |   35.0 
  2  Naraharasetty,Saisiddharth     2004  CM NSW  6.0 | +W17  +B11  +W3   +B7   +W9   -B1   -W4   =B6   =W5    |   36.5 
  3  Devin,Alex                     1801     QLD  6.0 | +B26  +W5   -B2   +W16  -W1   +B9   +W10  =B7   =B4    |   31.5 
  4  Jain,Shaurya                   1738     QLD  6.0 | +B6   =W21  =B16  +W8   =B5   =W7   +B2   =B1   =W3    |   31.5 
  5  Peramunetilleke,Seth           1964     NSW  6.0 | +W20  -B3   +W11  +B10  =W4   +B17  -W1   +B8   =B2    |   31.0 
  6  Balavignan,Ashvin              2203      WA  6.0 | -W4   =B1   =W14  +B20  +W15  +B11  =W7   =W2   +B16   |   26.0 
  7  Boyd-Norman,James              2071      SA  5.5 | +B13  +W9   =B15  -W2   +W18  =B4   =B6   =W3   =W1    |   30.5 
  8  Chen,Dean                      1753     NSW  5.5 | =W1   +B23  =W10  -B4   =B16  +W21  +B13  -W5   +W15   |   26.5 
  9  Anup Kumar,Vihaan              1833     NSW  5.0 | +B14  -B7   +W20  +W19  -B2   -W3   +B22  =W16  =B10   |   26.5 
 10  Fan,Chloe                      1973 WFM VIC  5.0 | +B19  =W16  =B8   -W5   =B13  +W18  -B3   +W21  =W9    |   25.5 
 11  Retnaraja,Ethan                1820      SA  5.0 | +B22  -W2   -B5   +W14  +B19  -W6   =B16  =W18  +B24   |   23.5 
 12  Huey,Toby                      1804     NSW  5.0 | +W25  -B15  -W1   +B22  -W17  =W13  =B21  +W26  +B18   |   21.5 
 13  Koh,Shannon                    1731      WA  5.0 | -W7   =B14  +W25  =B17  =W10  =B12  -W8   +B19  +W23   |   21.5 
 14  Yevdokimov,Theo                1464     QLD  5.0 | -W9   =W13  =B6   -B11  +W23  -W19  +B26  +W22  +B17   |   18.5 
 15  Rupasinghe,Sayum               1907     NSW  4.5 | +B18  +W12  =W7   -B1   -B6   -W16  +B23  +W17  -B8    |   25.5 
 16  Verma,Rudra                    1826     NSW  4.5 | +W24  =B10  =W4   -B3   =W8   +B15  =W11  =B9   -W6    |   25.5 
 17  Chinbat,Chintushig             1668      WA  4.0 | -B2   +W22  =B21  =W13  +B12  -W5   +B19  -B15  -W14   |   22.5 
 18  Faizal,Shaheel                 1594     NSW  4.0 | -W15  =B25  +W24  +W21  -B7   -B10  +W20  =B11  -W12   |   21.0 
 19  Pimenov,Alex                   1639      WA  4.0 | -W10  +B24  +W23  -B9   -W11  +B14  -W17  -W13  +B26   |   20.0 
 20  Simic,Filip                    1625     QLD  4.0 | -B5   +W26  -B9   -W6   -B21  +W24  -B18  +W25  +B22   |   15.0 
 21  Rafiei Darani,Daryoush         1897      WA  3.5 | =W23  =B4   =W17  -B18  +W20  -B8   =W12  -B10  =B25   |   19.0 
 22  Ran,Sean                       1242      SA  3.0 | -W11  -B17  +W26  -W12  +B24  +B25  -W9   -B14  -W20   |   16.0 
 23  Carrigan,William               1585      SA  3.0 | =B21  -W8   -B19  +W25  -B14  +B26  -W15  =W24  -B13   |   15.5 
 24  Lee,Lucas                      1251      WA  2.5 | -B16  -W19  -B18  +B26  -W22  -B20  +W25  =B23  -W11   |   10.0 
 25  Hu,William                     1029     NSW  2.0 | -B12  =W18  -B13  -B23  +W26  -W22  -B24  -B20  =W21   |    9.5 
 26  Nadarajan,Sriraghav               0      WA  0.0 | -W3   -B20  -B22  -W24  -B25  -W23  -W14  -B12  -W19   |    0.0

2025 AJCC Under 18 Girls & Under 16 Girls - Prizewinners

  Under 18 Girls

  1st & 2025 Australian Under 18 Girls' Chess Champion: Athena-Malar Retnaraja SA (7.0/9)

  A playoff for the Under 18 Girls' title was contested by Joy Liu & Athena-Malar Retnaraja.
  The playoff was won by Athena-Malar (2-0). 

  2nd: Vera Zeng VIC (6.0/9)

  3rd: Renee Yang Pan NSW (6.0/9)

  4th: Linda Zhiling Qian NSW (5.5/9)

  Under 16 Girls

  1st & 2025 Australian Under 16 Girls' Chess Champion: Joy Liu NSW (7.0/9)

  2nd: Isabella Guan QLD (6.0/9)

  3rd: Chelsea Huey NSW (5.5/9)

  4th: Elaina Qiang QLD (5.5/9)

 Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    |    PS  
  1  Liu,Joy                        1658     NSW  7.0 | +B4   +W3   +B5   +W2   -B7   =W8   =B6   +BYE  +W10   |   36.5 
  2  Retnaraja,Athena-Malar         1623      SA  7.0 | +W11  +B13  +W6   -B1   +W3   =B4   =W5   +B8   +B9    |   35.5 
  3  Zeng,Vera                      1537     VIC  6.0 | +W10  -B1   +W8   +B6   -B2   +W7   +W4   -B5   +W13   |   30.0 
  4  Guan,Isabella                  1493     QLD  6.0 | -W1   +B9   +W13  +B10  =W6   =W2   -B3   +W7   +B11   |   28.5 
  5  Pan,Renee Yang                 1445     NSW  6.0 | =W9   =B8   -W1   +B12  +W10  +B11  =B2   +W3   =B6    |   27.5 
  6  Huey,Chelsea                   1590     NSW  5.5 | +B12  +W7   -B2   -W3   =B4   +BYE  =W1   +B10  =W5    |   27.5 
  7  Qian,Linda (Zhiling)           1606     NSW  5.5 | =W8   -B6   +W9   +B11  +W1   -B3   +W12  -B4   +BYE   |   26.5 
  8  Qiang,Elaina                   1445     QLD  5.5 | =B7   =W5   -B3   +W13  +B9   =B1   +BYE  -W2   +W12   |   25.5 
  9  Wu,Kobe                        1611      WA  4.5 | =B5   -W4   -B7   +BYE  -W8   +B13  +W11  +B12  -W2    |   19.5 
 10  Ishgavaa,Belle                  616      WA  3.5 | -B3   +BYE  +W11  -W4   -B5   =B12  +W13  -W6   -B1    |   20.0 
 11  Gruber,Paula                   1479      WA  3.0 | -B2   +W12  -B10  -W7   +BYE  -W5   -B9   +B13  -W4    |   15.0 
 12  Sutton,Hera                    1089     TAS  2.5 | -W6   -B11  +BYE  -W5   +B13  =W10  -B7   -W9   -B8    |   14.0 
 13  du Plessis,Amelia               579      OS  1.0 | +BYE  -W2   -B4   -B8   -W12  -W9   -B10  -W11  -B3    |    9.0

2025 AJCC Under 16 Open - Prizewinners

  1st & 2025 Australian Under 16 Open Chess Champion: Lucas Ni NSW (7.5/9)

  2nd: Micah Young QLD (7.0/9)

  3rd: Parthiv Prithvi NSW (7.0/9)

 Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    |    PS  
  1  Ni,Lucas                       1892     NSW  7.5 | +B19  +W12  +B18  +W11  +B8   -W2   +B6   =W3   +B4    |   40.0 
  2  Young,Micah                    1720     QLD  7.0 | +B26  =W6   +B9   +W18  =B5   +B1   =W3   =B4   +W8    |   36.0 
  3  Prithvi,Parthiv                1641     NSW  7.0 | =B22  +W16  =B5   +W19  +B11  +W7   =B2   =B1   +W6    |   34.5 
  4  Gao,Terry                      1399     NSW  6.0 | -W7   =B20  +W26  +B14  +B9   +W5   +B18  =W2   -W1    |   30.0 
  5  Peramunetilleke,Savin          1812     NSW  6.0 | +W15  =B8   =W3   +B10  =W2   -B4   =W11  +B7   +W9    |   29.5 
  6  Horlin-Smith,Alexander         1553      SA  5.5 | +W20  =B2   -W7   +B16  +W10  +B8   -W1   +B11  -B3    |   30.0 
  7  Majidi,Issa                    1798      WA  5.5 | +B4   =W9   +B6   -W8   +B19  -B3   +W13  -W5   +W10   |   29.0 
  8  Arav,Jayden                    1525     NSW  5.0 | +B28  =W5   +B12  +B7   -W1   -W6   =B9   +F18  -B2    |   29.5 
  9  Arav,Nathan                    1605     NSW  5.0 | +W27  =B7   -W2   +B15  -W4   +B14  =W8   +B16  -B5    |   26.5 
 10  Xu,Leo                         1599     NSW  5.0 | +B23  -W18  +B13  -W5   -B6   +B22  +W15  +W12  -B7    |   25.0 
 11  Gong,Leo                       1794     NSW  4.5 | +W25  +B21  +W14  -B1   -W3   =W13  =B5   -W6   =B17   |   28.0 
 12  Harirajesh,Barath              1654      WA  4.5 | +W24  -B1   -W8   +B21  +W22  -W18  +B19  -B10  =W13   |   23.5 
 13  Ong,Jonathan Si Seng           1443     NSW  4.5 | -B18  +W26  -W10  +B24  +W20  =B11  -B7   =W14  =B12   |   22.5 
 14  Nguyen,Anthony                 1852      WA  4.5 | =B16  +W22  -B11  -W4   +B17  -W9   +B21  =B13  =W15   |   22.0 
 15  Prieto,Esteban                 1425     TAS  4.5 | -B5   +W23  +B17  -W9   -B18  +W16  -B10  +W20  =B14   |   21.5 
 16  Inukai,Kotaro                  1441     QLD  4.5 | =W14  -B3   +W21  -W6   +B25  -B15  +W24  -W9   +B19   |   20.5 
 17  Raptis,Liam                    1482      WA  4.5 | -W21  +B24  -W15  -B20  -W14  +W28  +B25  +B23  =W11   |   17.5 
 18  De Vas,Yonal               (W) 1881      WA  4.0 | +W13  +B10  -W1   -B2   +W15  +B12  -W4   -F8    --    |   26.0 
 19  Chen,Micah                     1478     VIC  4.0 | -W1   +B27  +W25  -B3   -W7   +B20  -W12  +B21  -W16   |   21.0 
 20  Boby,Shawn                        0      WA  4.0 | -B6   =W4   =B22  +W17  -B13  -W19  +B28  -B15  +W24   |   17.5 
 21  Yin,Ares                          0      WA  3.5 | +B17  -W11  -B16  -W12  +B26  +B24  -W14  -W19  =B22   |   18.5 
 22  Yang,Yifan                     1155     VIC  3.5 | =W3   -B14  =W20  +B25  -B12  -W10  -W23  +B27  =W21   |   16.5 
 23  Song,Jayden                     763      WA  3.5 | -W10  -B15  -W24  +BYE  =B28  =W26  +B22  -W17  =W27   |   14.0 
 24  Foster,Eric                    1155     TAS  3.0 | -B12  -W17  +B23  -W13  +B27  -W21  -B16  +W26  -B20   |   14.0 
 25  Gough,Sebastian                1360      WA  3.0 | -B11  +W28  -B19  -W22  -W16  =B27  -W17  +BYE  =B26   |   12.5 
 26  Yao,Ryan                       1226      WA  2.5 | -W2   -B13  -B4   +W28  -W21  =B23  =W27  -B24  =W25   |   10.0 
 27  Thompson,Selby                  962     VIC  2.0 | -B9   -W19  -B28  =BYE  -W24  =W25  =B26  -W22  =B23   |    7.0 
 28  Williams,Flynn             (W)    0      WA  1.5 | -W8   -B25  +W27  -B26  =W23  -B17  -W20   --    --    |    9.5

2025 AJCC Under 14 Open - Prizewinners

  1st & 2025 Australian Under 14 Open Chess Champion: Daniel Wang NSW (7.0/9)

  A playoff for the Under 14 Open title was contested by Lachlan Wang & Daniel Wang.
  The playoff was won by Daniel (1.5-0.5). 

  2nd: Lachlan Wang QLD (7.0/9) 

 =3rd: Ryan Chengji Liu NSW (7.0/9) 

 =3rd: Owen Shen QLD (7.0/9) 

 Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    |    PS   
  1  Wang,Lachlan                   1864     QLD  7.0 | +W22  =B18  +W17  +B19  +W2   =B8   +W4   =B5   =W3    |   37.5 
  2  Wang,Daniel                    1913     NSW  7.0 | +B20  +W9   +B15  +W8   -B1   +W6   -B3   +W13  +W5    |   37.0 
  3  Liu,Ryan Chengji               1655     NSW  7.0 | +W23  +B16  =W19  +B4   -W6   +B9   +W2   +B14  =B1    |   36.0 
  4  Shen,Owen                      1650     QLD  7.0 | +B29  +W25  +B14  -W3   +B15  +W13  -B1   +W7   +W8    |   36.0 
  5  Maleki,Aiden                   1619     NSW  6.0 | +W36  =B17  =W18  +B16  =W10  +B19  +W8   =W1   -B2    |   33.0 
  6  Liu,Josh                       1623     NSW  6.0 | +B35  -W19  +B26  +W12  +B3   -B2   -W14  +B16  +W15   |   30.0 
  7  Ding,Daniel (Yulin)            1449     NSW  6.0 | +W39  -B8   +W27  -W14  +B20  +B18  +W19  -B4   +B13   |   29.0 
  8  Munkhbat,Anand                 1859      OS  5.5 | +B26  +W7   +B13  -B2   +W18  =W1   -B5   +W11  -B4    |   33.0 
  9  Huang,Yuqi (Ricky)             1522      WA  5.5 | +W38  -B2   +W22  =B10  +W17  -W3   -B11  +B24  +W18   |   27.0 
 10  Chen,Martin                    1159     QLD  5.5 | +B30  -W15  +B21  =W9   =B5   -W14  +B17  =W12  +B23   |   26.5 
 11  Leung,Shun Him                 1678      OS  5.5 | -B19  +W35  -B20  +W31  =B25  +B24  +W9   -B8   +W14   |   24.5 
 12  Inukai,Rentaro                 1379     QLD  5.5 | -W17  +B36  +W30  -B6   -W19  +B35  +W22  =B10  +B21   |   24.0 
 13  Huang,Yuan                     1548     NSW  5.0 | +B37  +F33  -W8   +W25  +B14  -B4   +W15  -B2   -W7    |   31.0 
 14  Harris,Eamon                   1764      WA  5.0 | +W27  +B24  -W4   +B7   -W13  +B10  +B6   -W3   -B11   |   30.0 
 15  Hart,Luka                      1625     QLD  5.0 | +W34  +B10  -W2   +B24  -W4   +B16  -B13  +W20  -B6    |   29.0 
 16  Liu,Mike                       1268     QLD  5.0 | +B21  -W3   +B28  -W5   +B29  -W15  +B34  -W6   +B26   |   25.0 
 17  Gan.Alvis                         0     NSW  5.0 | +B12  =W5   -B1   +W26  -B9   =B22  -W10  +W25  +B28   |   24.0 
 18  Su,Joey                        1516     NSW  4.5 | +B31  =W1   =B5   +W20  -B8   -W7   +B26  =W21  -B9    |   26.5 
 19  Chen,Albert                     724      WA  4.5 | +W11  +B6   =B3   -W1   +B12  -W5   -B7   -W23  +W30   |   26.5 
 20  Liu,William                    1075     NSW  4.5 | -W2   +B38  +W11  -B18  -W7   +B31  +W24  -B15  =W22   |   22.5 
 21  Malik,Aidan                       0      WA  4.5 | -W16  +B34  -W10  =B27  =W22  +W29  +B25  =B18  -W12   |   21.5 
 22  Han,Terrance                   1041     NSW  4.5 | -B1   +W37  -B9   +W28  =B21  =W17  -B12  +W33  =B20   |   21.0 
 23  Thurman,Riley                   715     NSW  4.5 | -B3   -W28  +B37  =W32  -B34  +W38  +W27  +B19  -W10   |   19.0 
 24  Fu,Andy                        1439     VIC  4.0 | +B28  -W14  +B29  -W15  +B35  -W11  -B20  -W9   +BYE   |   22.0 
 25  Sun,Sebastian                  1238     NSW  4.0 | +W32  -B4   +W33  -B13  =W11  =B27  -W21  -B17  +W35   |   21.5 
 26  Gorantla,Karunya               1039     NSW  4.0 | -W8   +B39  -W6   -B17  +W30  +B28  -W18  +B35  -W16   |   19.0 
 27  Kazemian,Samyar                 727      WA  4.0 | -B14  +W31  -B7   =W21  +B32  =W25  -B23  -W28  +B33   |   19.0 
 28  Dong,Thomas                       0      WA  4.0 | -W24  +B23  -W16  -B22  +W36  -W26  +B29  +B27  -W17   |   18.0 
 29  Ishgavaa,Negun                  642      WA  4.0 | -W4   +B32  -W24  +B30  -W16  -B21  -W28  +B39  +W36   |   17.0 
 30  Olavario,Higino Yuan              0      WA  4.0 | -W10  +BYE  -B12  -W29  -B26  +W37  +B36  +W34  -B19   |   17.0 
 31  Absolom,Logan                     0      WA  4.0 | -W18  -B27  +W36  -B11  +W38  -W20  -B33  +BYE  +B34   |   15.0 
 32  Meerkotter,Luke                   0      WA  3.5 | -B25  -W29  +BYE  =B23  -W27  +B39  -W35  -B36  +B38   |   15.0 
 33  Patro,Anay                        0      WA  3.0 | +BYE  -F13  -B25  -W35  +B37  -W34  +W31  -B22  -W27   |   17.0 
 34  Agrawal,Atharv                  473      WA  3.0 | -B15  -W21  +B38  -W37  +W23  +B33  -W16  -B30  -W31   |   16.0 
 35  Senthil Kumar,Rahul             440      WA  3.0 | -W6   -B11  +F39  +B33  -W24  -W12  +B32  -W26  -B25   |   16.0 
 36  Kalloor,Abner                   375      WA  3.0 | -B5   -W12  -B31  +W39  -B28  +BYE  -W30  +W32  -B29   |   12.0 
 37  Chinbat,Chintugs                332      WA  2.5 | -W13  -B22  -W23  +B34  -W33  -B30  +BYE  =W38  -B39   |   10.0 
 38  Zhao,William                    298      WA  2.5 | -B9   -W20  -W34  +BYE  -B31  -B23  +W39  =B37  -W32   |   10.0 
 39  Dasari,Nikith Sai                 0      WA  2.0 | -B7   -W26  -F35  -B36  +BYE  -W32  -B38  -W29  +W37   |    6.0

2025 AJCC Under 14 Girls & Under 12 Girls - Prizewinners

  Under 14 Girls

  1st & 2025 Australian Under 14 Girls' Chess Champion: Deethya Sai Katakam VIC (7.0/9) 

  2nd: Vicky Qian NSW (6.5/9)

  3rd: Charlotte Chen SA (5.5/9)

  4th: Chanya Rupasinghe NSW (5.5/9)

  Under 12 Girls

  1st & 2025 Australian Under 12 Girls' Chess Champion: Cindy Chen SA (6.5/9)

  2nd: Chloe Wang QLD (6.0/9)

  3rd: Senudi De Vas WA (5.0/9)

  4th: Emma Zhou VIC (5.0/9)

  5th: Mary Khodjaeva TAS (5.0/9)

  6th: Xintong Zhang QLD (5.0/9)

 Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    |    PS  
  1  Katakam,Deethya Sai            1433     VIC  7.0 | +W9   +B4   +W7   +W5   +B6   -W2   -B3   +W12  +B13   |   38.0 
  2  Chen,Cindy                     1241      SA  6.5 | +W16  =B12  +W8   -B4   +W10  +B1   +W5   +W6   -B3    |   34.0 
  3  Qian,Vicky                     1389     NSW  6.5 | +W14  -B7   +W12  +B9   =W4   =B8   +W1   =B5   +W2    |   31.5 
  4  Wang,Chloe                     1217     QLD  6.0 | +B23  -W1   +B15  +W2   =B3   =W5   -B6   +W17  +B7    |   29.5 
  5  Chen,Charlotte                 1271      SA  5.5 | +B20  +W11  +W17  -B1   +W7   =B4   -B2   =W3   =B6    |   32.5 
  6  Rupasinghe,Chanya              1412     NSW  5.5 | -B15  +W13  +B14  +W11  -W1   +B9   +W4   -B2   =W5    |   28.5 
  7  De Vas,Senudi                  1169      WA  5.0 | +B19  +W3   -B1   +W10  -B5   +W17  =B12  =W8   -W4    |   29.5 
  8  Liyanage,Nithuli               1617      WA  5.0 | =B13  +W15  -B2   +W17  =B12  =W3   =B11  =B7   =W10   |   26.0 
  9  Zhou,Emma                       910     VIC  5.0 | -B1   +W20  +B22  -W3   +B11  -W6   +B13  -B10  +W18   |   24.0 
 10  Khodjaeva,Mary                 1288     TAS  5.0 | +W21  -B17  +W16  -B7   -B2   =W20  +B15  +W9   =B8    |   23.5 
 11  Zhang,Xintong                  1172     QLD  5.0 | +W22  -B5   +W21  -B6   -W9   +B18  =W8   =B14  +W12   |   23.5 
 12  Zhou,Clara                     1291     NSW  4.5 | +B18  =W2   -B3   +W13  =W8   +B14  =W7   -B1   -B11   |   27.0 
 13  Zhao,Amy                        969     QLD  4.5 | =W8   -B6   +W18  -B12  +W16  +B21  -W9   +B20  -W1    |   22.5 
 14  Zuo,Emma                        762      SA  4.5 | -B3   +W23  -W6   +B19  +B15  -W12  -B17  =W11  +W22   |   21.0 
 15  Mi,Sura                         836     VIC  4.5 | +W6   -B8   -W4   =B16  -W14  +B19  -W10  +B22  +B21   |   19.0 
 16  Zhang,Kaylin                    411     VIC  4.5 | -B2   +W18  -B10  =W15  -B13  +W22  -B20  +W21  +B17   |   18.0 
 17  Hu,Joanna                         0     NSW  4.0 | +BYE  +W10  -B5   -B8   +W21  -B7   +W14  -B4   -W16   |   25.0 
 18  Wang,Grace                      561     QLD  4.0 | -W12  -B16  -B13  +W20  +B22  -W11  +W21  +B19  -B9    |   16.0 
 19  Gohil,Ira                         0      WA  4.0 | -W7   -B21  +BYE  -W14  +B23  -W15  +B22  -W18  +W20   |   16.0 
 20  Gorantla,Krithika               437     NSW  3.5 | -W5   -B9   +W23  -B18  +BYE  =B10  +W16  -W13  -B19   |   17.0 
 21  Pasare,Prishaa                  545      WA  2.0 | -B10  +W19  -B11  +W22  -B17  -W13  -B18  -B16  -W15   |   14.0 
 22  Huang,Elizabeth                 218      WA  1.0 | -B11  +BYE  -W9   -B21  -W18  -B16  -W19  -W15  -B14   |    8.0 
 23  Ubesena,Sanuthi            (W)  222      WA  1.0 | -W4   -B14  -B20  +BYE  -W19   --    --    --    --    |    6.0

2025 AJCC Under 12 Open - Prizewinners

  1st & 2025 Australian Under 12 Open Chess Champion: Zeqi Xing QLD (7.5/9)

  A playoff for the Under 12 Open title was contested by Zeqi Xing & Chen Bi Zang.
  The playoff was won by Zeqi (2-0). 

  2nd: Chen Bi Zang SA (7.5/9)

  3rd: ChengYi Xia QLD (7.0/9)

 Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    |    PS  
  1  Xing,Zeqi                      1585     QLD  7.5 | +W36  +B17  +W11  +B3   =W6   +B13  =W2   +B7   =W4    |   40.5 
  2  Zang,Chen Bi                   1074      SA  7.5 | =B20  +W38  =B16  +W30  +B9   +W14  =B1   +W8   +W7    |   35.5 
  3  Xia,ChengYi                    1233     QLD  7.0 | +B26  +W30  +B15  -W1   +B20  -W7   +B14  +W16  +B6    |   35.0 
  4  Tay,Mason                      1392     NSW  6.5 | -W37  +B46  +W44  +B19  +W11  =B6   =W8   +B13  =B1    |   32.0 
  5  Togtmol,Uudamkhishig            619      WA  6.5 | -B13  +W50  -B29  +W43  =B30  +W22  +B28  +B17  +W14   |   26.5 
  6  Chang,Ike                       972     NSW  6.0 | +W46  +B43  +W21  +B8   =B1   =W4   -B7   +W10  -W3    |   36.5 
  7  Di,Elvin                       1101     NSW  6.0 | +W52  +B23  -W8   +B25  +W24  +B3   +W6   -W1   -B2    |   35.0 
  8  Ni,Marcus                      1296     NSW  6.0 | +B33  +W10  +B7   -W6   =B15  +W28  =B4   -B2   +W17   |   33.0 
  9  Arav,Callan                    1475     NSW  6.0 | +W35  =B18  =W19  +B10  -W2   +B24  -W13  +W15  +B16   |   29.5 
 10  Wang,Kyler                      873     TAS  6.0 | +W53  -B8   +W52  -W9   +B33  +B11  +W12  -B6   +W13   |   29.0 
 11  Oakley,Brett                   1015     QLD  5.5 | +B45  +W24  -B1   +W32  -B4   -W10  +B26  =W30  +B23   |   28.0 
 12  Gong,Leo                       1489      WA  5.5 | -B24  +W34  -W22  +B52  +W23  =B29  -B10  +W41  +B30   |   24.0 
 13  He,Enock                       1204     NSW  5.0 | +W5   +B25  =W28  +B22  =B14  -W1   +B9   -W4   -B10   |   32.0 
 14  Shi,Lucas                      1267     NSW  5.0 | +W44  =B19  +W18  +B28  =W13  -B2   -W3   +B35  -B5    |   30.5 
 15  Fan,Xinyao                     1043     VIC  5.0 | +W34  +B37  -W3   +B23  =W8   +B18  -W17  -B9   =W25   |   30.0 
 16  Shu,John                        928     NSW  5.0 | +W42  =B21  =W2   -B24  +W36  +B35  +W19  -B3   -W9    |   28.5 
 17  Chen,Marlon                     953     QLD  5.0 | +B39  -W1   +B37  -W20  +B32  +W26  +B15  -W5   -B8    |   28.0 
 18  Gandhi,Ishaan                   925     NSW  5.0 | +B51  =W9   -B14  +W40  +B22  -W15  =B30  =W20  =B27   |   27.0 
 19  Glick,Emil                      918      WA  5.0 | +B50  =W14  =B9   -W4   +B37  +W31  -B16  =W27  =B20   |   27.0 
 20  Khadka,Ronav                    536     NSW  5.0 | =W2   =B31  +W36  +B17  -W3   =B21  =W29  =B18  =W19   |   26.5 
 21  Chen,Angus                     1794      WA  5.0 | +B40  =W16  -B6   +W38  -B31  =W20  +W24  =B25  =W22   |   25.5 
 22  Mahanidis,Jet                   772      WA  5.0 | =B38  +W41  +B12  -W13  -W18  -B5   +B40  +W28  =B21   |   25.0 
 23  Song,George                     744     QLD  5.0 | +W47  -W7   +B26  -W15  -B12  +B44  +W42  +B29  -W11   |   25.0 
 24  Le,Quang Minh                   732      WA  5.0 | +W12  -B11  +F43  +W16  -B7   -W9   -B21  +B45  +W35   |   25.0 
 25  Han,Jonathan                    822     NSW  5.0 | +B49  -W13  +B33  -W7   -B26  +W45  +B32  =W21  =B15   |   24.5 
 26  Ong,Josiah                      639      WA  5.0 | -W3   +B48  -W23  +B49  +W25  -B17  -W11  +B43  +W36   |   22.0 
 27  Ge,Songhuan                       0      WA  5.0 | -B29  -W32  -B34  +W53  +B40  +W33  +W36  =B19  =W18   |   19.5 
 28  Ashok,Akash                    1466      WA  4.5 | +B32  +W29  =B13  -W14  +W35  -B8   -W5   -B22  +W45   |   26.5 
 29  Li,Jeremy                       923      WA  4.5 | +W27  -B28  +W5   -B35  +W44  =W12  =B20  -W23  =B32   |   25.0 
 30  Cong,Chris                      815     QLD  4.5 | +W48  -B3   +W42  -B2   =W5   +B41  =W18  =B11  -W12   |   25.0 
 31  Perera,Kaviru                  1166      WA  4.5 | =B41  =W20  -B32  +W45  +W21  -B19  -W35  +B46  =W34   |   22.0 
 32  Yuen,Thomas                     704      WA  4.5 | -W28  +B27  +W31  -B11  -W17  +B34  -W25  +B42  =W29   |   21.5 
 33  Munkhjargal,Chingun             684      WA  4.5 | -W8   +B53  -W25  +B46  -W10  -B27  =W38  +B44  +B41   |   18.5 
 34  Adler,Joshil                    443     VIC  4.5 | -B15  -B12  +W27  -W37  +B38  -W32  +B50  +W39  =B31   |   17.5 
 35  Lim,Lucien                      707      WA  4.0 | -B9   +W39  +B47  +W29  -B28  -W16  +B31  -W14  -B24   |   24.0 
 36  Tang,Talos                      733     NSW  4.0 | -B1   +W45  -B20  +W39  -B16  +W48  -B27  +W38  -B26   |   20.0 
 37  Ye,Daniel                       688      WA  4.0 | +B4   -W15  -W17  +B34  -W19  -B42  -W41  +B49  +W47   |   18.0 
 38  Lougheed,Liam                     0      WA  4.0 | =W22  -B2   +F41  -B21  -W34  +W39  =B33  -B36  +W46   |   18.0 
 39  Huang,Alexander                 303      WA  4.0 | -W17  -B35  +W48  -B36  +W49  -B38  +W44  -B34  +W43   |   16.0 
 40  Page,Ethan                      739      WA  4.0 | -W21  -B42  +W51  -B18  -W27  +B53  -W22  +B50  +W48   |   14.0 
 41  Ruaya,Rohan                     612     VIC  3.5 | =W31  -B22  -F38  +B42  +W52  -W30  +B37  -B12  -W33   |   18.5 
 42  Dadras,Datis                    282      WA  3.0 | -B16  +W40  -B30  -W41  +B43  +W37  -B23  -W32  -B51   |   17.0 
 43  Nagaa,Vidhith                     0      WA  3.0 | +BYE  -W6   -F24  -B5   -W42  +B51  +B53  -W26  -B39   |   16.0 
 44  Jain,Nirvaan                    650     QLD  3.0 | -B14  +W51  -B4   +W47  -B29  -W23  -B39  -W33  +BYE   |   15.0 
 45  Nyamdari,Shijirkhutag           441      WA  3.0 | -W11  -B36  +W53  -B31  +W51  -B25  +B48  -W24  -B28   |   15.0 
 46  Kang,Oliver                     430      WA  3.0 | -B6   -W4   +B50  -W33  -B48  +W49  +B47  -W31  -B38   |   14.0 
 47  Low,Henry                         0      WA  3.0 | -B23  +BYE  -W35  -B44  -W50  +B52  -W46  +W53  -B37   |   14.0 
 48  Lim,Jeric                         0      WA  3.0 | -B30  -W26  -B39  +BYE  +W46  -B36  -W45  +W52  -B40   |   13.0 
 49  Li,David                          0      WA  3.0 | -W25  -B52  +BYE  -W26  -B39  -B46  +W51  -W37  +B53   |   11.0 
 50  Gopalakrishnan,Jayan              0      WA  3.0 | -W19  -B5   -W46  -B51  +B47  +BYE  -W34  -W40  +F52   |   10.0 
 51  He,Ethan                        100     NSW  3.0 | -W18  -B44  -B40  +W50  -B45  -W43  -B49  +BYE  +W42   |    9.0 
 52  Nyamdari,Shijirgun              581      WA  2.0 | -B7   +W49  -B10  -W12  -B41  -W47  +BYE  -B48  -F50   |   11.0 
 53  Hwangbo,Gino                      0      WA  1.0 | -B10  -W33  -B45  -B27  +BYE  -W40  -W43  -B47  -W49   |    5.0

2025 AJCC Under 10 Open - Prizewinners

  1st & 2025 Australian Under 10 Open Chess Champion: Terrence Li QLD (7.5/9)

  A playoff for the Under 10 Open title was contested by ChengYi Xia & Terrence Li. 
  The playoff was won by Terrence (2-0). 

  2nd: ChengYi Xia QLD (7.5/9) 

  3rd: Joey Su NSW (7.0/9)

 Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    |    PS  
  1  Xia,ChengYi                    1233     QLD  7.5 | +B38  +W8   +B14  +W7   -B4   +W22  =B2   +W16  +B6    |   38.5 
  2  Li,Terrence                    1623     QLD  7.5 | +B33  +W17  +B23  -W4   +B24  +B5   =W1   +W13  +B10   |   37.5 
  3  Su,Joey                        1516     NSW  7.0 | +B30  +W18  =B31  =W12  +B23  +W9   +B13  -W6   +W4    |   36.5 
  4  Chang,Ike                       972     NSW  6.5 | +B40  +W41  +B15  +B2   +W1   -W13  =B10  +W8   -B3    |   38.5 
  5  Wu,Ethan                        675     QLD  6.5 | +B61  +W12  +B24  +W31  =B13  -W2   -W6   +B18  +W23   |   35.5 
  6  Parker,Lucas                   1307     VIC  6.5 | +B27  -W15  +B38  +W30  +B17  =W8   +B5   +B3   -W1    |   34.0 
  7  Ho,Gia Bao                      870      WA  6.5 | +B36  +W42  +B54  -B1   +W19  =W10  -B8   +W11  +B13   |   34.0 
  8  Batyrbekov,Kaisar               686     VIC  6.5 | +W62  -B1   +W49  +B20  +W25  =B6   +W7   -B4   +W9    |   33.0 
  9  Le,Quang Minh                   732      WA  6.0 | +B60  +W10  -B13  +W54  +B11  -B3   +W24  +W15  -B8    |   33.0 
 10  Kuncoro,Leo                    1541     NSW  6.0 | +W53  -B9   +W21  +B15  +W14  =B7   =W4   +B22  -W2    |   32.5 
 11  Oakley,Brett                   1015     QLD  6.0 | +W46  +B26  -W22  +B35  -W9   +B31  +W14  -B7   +W25   |   31.0 
 12  Ni,Marcus                      1296     NSW  6.0 | +W56  -B5   +W29  =B3   -W31  +B33  =W25  +B27  +W22   |   27.5 
 13  Lau,Great Boyou                1205      OS  5.5 | +W29  +B35  +W9   +B22  =W5   +B4   -W3   -B2   -W7    |   36.5 
 14  Kovalenko,Kiy                   804     VIC  5.5 | +F65  +B47  -W1   +W27  -B10  +W36  -B11  +W29  =B15   |   29.5 
 15  Lee,William                     712     VIC  5.5 | +W64  +B6   -W4   -W10  +B39  +B19  +W23  -B9   =W14   |   29.5 
 16  Zhang,Nathan                    995     VIC  5.5 | -W58  +B57  +W46  +B26  -W22  +B53  +W17  -B1   =W19   |   28.5 
 17  Mahanidis,Jet                   772      WA  5.5 | +W19  -B2   +W58  +B44  -W6   +B28  -B16  +W36  =B20   |   28.5 
 18  Rej,Alexander                   730     NSW  5.5 | +W44  -B3   +W39  -B19  +W46  =B32  +W31  -W5   +B37   |   27.0 
 19  Campos Wagner,Fulvio Alberto      0     NSW  5.5 | -B17  +W37  +B41  +W18  -B7   -W15  +B48  +W24  =B16   |   26.5 
 20  Gupta-Devdia,Vivaan            1335     TAS  5.5 | +W28  -B22  +B25  -W8   -B27  +W55  +W30  +B35  =W17   |   25.5 
 21  Wang,Iris                      1014     QLD  5.5 | +B55  =W25  -B10  =W37  =B29  +W40  -B22  +W33  +B32   |   25.5 
 22  Huang,Joshua Kai-En             710     VIC  5.0 | +B32  +W20  +B11  -W13  +B16  -B1   +W21  -W10  -B12   |   32.0 
 23  Liu,Clarissa                    827     QLD  5.0 | +B34  +W48  -W2   +B28  -W3   +B27  -B15  +W38  -B5    |   29.0 
 24  Xie,Leo                         849     NSW  5.0 | +W49  +B58  -W5   +B53  -W2   +W26  -B9   -B19  +W38   |   28.0 
 25  Goldstein,Clio                  665     QLD  5.0 | +W63  =B21  -W20  +B41  -B8   +W50  =B12  +W37  -B11   |   26.5 
 26  Fleming,Alexandra               575      WA  5.0 | +B52  -W11  +B55  -W16  +W34  -B24  -W27  +B51  +W40   |   24.0 
 27  Zhou,Zenan                      455     VIC  5.0 | -W6   +B62  +W47  -B14  +W20  -W23  +B26  -W12  +B36   |   24.0 
 28  Meredith,Zoe                    500     TAS  5.0 | -B20  +W60  +B32  -W23  +B54  -W17  -W37  +B42  +W43   |   23.0 
 29  Zhang,Kaylin                    411     VIC  5.0 | -B13  +W61  -B12  +W60  =W21  =B37  +W42  -B14  +W35   |   22.5 
 30  Balasubramaniam,Pranav          551      WA  5.0 | -W3   +B64  +W43  -B6   -W32  +W44  -B20  +B52  +W39   |   22.0 
 31  Stanton,John                    809     QLD  4.5 | +W57  +B39  =W3   -B5   +B12  -W11  -B18  -W32  +B47   |   26.5 
 32  Fani Marvasti,Rostin              0     NSW  4.5 | -W22  +B56  -W28  +W48  +B30  =W18  -B35  +B31  -W21   |   23.0 
 33  Thankeshvaran,Lehit             562     VIC  4.5 | -W2   -B44  +W62  =B49  +W43  -W12  +B50  -B21  +W51   |   19.0 
 34  Dong,Derek                      137     VIC  4.5 | -W23  -B53  +W63  +W38  -B26  -B42  +W59  =B46  +W49   |   18.0 
 35  Tseng,Jayden                    647      WA  4.0 | +B50  -W13  +B48  -W11  -W36  +B46  +W32  -W20  -B29   |   23.0 
 36  Gao,Jo                          166      WA  4.0 | -W7   -B43  +W45  +W42  +B35  -B14  +W53  -B17  -W27   |   21.0 
 37  Lee,Zachary                     941     NSW  4.0 | -W39  -B19  +W64  =B21  +W49  =W29  +B28  -B25  -W18   |   20.0 
 38  Zuo,Sarah                       434     VIC  4.0 | -W1   +B45  -W6   -B34  +W61  +B54  +W41  -B23  -B24   |   20.0 
 39  Nyamdari,Khatangua              306      WA  4.0 | +B37  -W31  -B18  +W52  -W15  -B41  +W54  +B53  -B30   |   20.0 
 40  Koppolu,Asher Jayden            310      WA  4.0 | -W4   +B51  -W53  =B47  +W58  -B21  =B43  +W41  -B26   |   19.5 
 41  Pasare,Parth                    588      WA  4.0 | +W51  -B4   -W19  -W25  +B60  +W39  -B38  -B40  +W46   |   19.0 
 42  Munkhjargal,Chinkhusel          569      WA  4.0 | +W43  -B7   -W44  -B36  +B45  +W34  -B29  -W28  +B54   |   19.0 
 43  Xie,Luke                          0      WA  4.0 | -B42  +W36  -B30  =W55  -B33  +B58  =W40  +W50  -B28   |   18.5 
 44  Cheng,Aleck                       0      WA  4.0 | -B18  +W33  +B42  -W17  -W53  -B30  -W58  +B59  +W56   |   18.0 
 45  Kazemian,Seevan                   0      WA  4.0 | -B54  -W38  -B36  +B56  -W42  -B59  +W63  +W57  +B53   |   12.0 
 46  Perera,Damsara                  341      WA  3.5 | -B11  +W50  -B16  +W61  -B18  -W35  +B47  =W34  -B41   |   18.0 
 47  Yao,Mo                            0     NSW  3.5 | +BYE  -W14  -B27  =W40  -B55  +B49  -W46  +B58  -W31   |   18.0 
 48  Ye,Ethan                        399     NSW  3.5 | +W59  -B23  -W35  -B32  +W52  =B51  -W19  -B56  +W58   |   17.0 
 49  Jones,Brendan                   155     NSW  3.5 | -B24  +W52  -B8   =W33  -B37  -W47  +B62  +W55  -B34   |   16.0 
 50  Temuulen,Orgil                    0      WA  3.5 | -W35  -B46  +W56  =B58  +W59  -B25  -W33  -B43  +B62   |   16.0 
 51  Wang,Lucca                        0     NSW  3.5 | -B41  -W40  -B60  +B64  +W57  =W48  +B55  -W26  -B33   |   16.0 
 52  Wang,Walter                       0      WA  3.5 | -W26  -B49  +W57  -B39  -B48  +W60  +B56  -W30  =B55   |   14.5 
 53  Feng,Echo                       552     ACT  3.0 | -B10  +W34  +B40  -W24  +B44  -W16  -B36  -W39  -W45   |   20.0 
 54  Cobbett,Hamish                    0      WA  3.0 | +W45  +B59  -W7   -B9   -W28  -W38  -B39  +B64  -W42   |   19.0 
 55  Wang,Nate                       328     VIC  3.0 | -W21  +B63  -W26  =B43  +W47  -B20  -W51  -B49  =W52   |   16.5 
 56  Jayasinghe,Attiligoda           446      WA  3.0 | -B12  -W32  -B50  -W45  +B62  +B63  -W52  +W48  -B44   |   11.0 
 57  Anup Kumar,Sia                  100     NSW  3.0 | -B31  -W16  -B52  +W63  -B51  +W61   --   -B45  +BYE   |   11.0 
 58  Uuganbaatar,Uranbaigali         318      WA  2.5 | +B16  -W24  -B17  =W50  -B40  -W43  +B44  -W47  -B48   |   15.0 
 59  Calabro,Mason                  1067     TAS  2.5 | -B48  -W54  -B61  +W62  -B50  +W45  -B34  -W44  =B60   |   10.5 
 60  Cheela,Saharsh                    0      WA  2.5 | -W9   -B28  +W51  -B29  -W41  -B52  -B61  +BYE  =W59   |    9.5 
 61  Kelly,Neo                  (W)    0      WA  2.0 | -W5   -B29  +W59  -B46  -B38  -B57  +W60   --    --    |   10.0 
 62  Janjua,Qasim                      0      WA  2.0 | -B8   -W27  -B33  -B59  -W56  +BYE  -W49  +B63  -W50   |    6.0 
 63  Lawson-Lee,Ethan                  0      WA  2.0 | -B25  -W55  -B34  -B57  +BYE  -W56  -B45  -W62  +W64   |    6.0 
 64  Denize,Alexander                  0      WA  1.5 | -B15  -W30  -B37  -W51  =BYE   --   +BYE  -W54  -B63   |    5.5 
 65  Agrawal,Aadhya             (W)    0      WA  0.0 | -F14   --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    |    0.0

2025 AJCC Under 10 Girls & Under 8 Girls - Prizewinners

  Under 10 Girls

  1st & 2025 Australian Under 10 Girls' Chess Champion: Adelyn Wang VIC (7.0/8)

  A playoff for the Under 10 Girls' title was contested by Sarah Zuo & Adelyn Wang.
  The playoff was won by Adelyn (1.5-0.5).

  2nd: Sarah Zuo VIC (7.0/8) 

  3rd: Clarissa Liu QLD (5.5/8) 

  Under 8 Girls

  1st & 2025 Australian Under 8 Girls' Chess Champion: Eleanor Wu QLD (6.0/8)

  2nd: Charlotte Wang QLD (5.0/8)

  3rd: Mia Tan VIC (5.0/8)

 Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8    |    PS  
  1  Zuo,Sarah                       434     VIC  7.0 | +B15  +W6   +B11  +W8   =B2   +W3   =B5   +W7    |   33.0 
  2  Wang,Adelyn                     893     VIC  7.0 | +W20  +B17  +W3   =B4   =W1   +B6   +W8   +W5    |   31.5 
  3  Wu,Eleanor                      565     QLD  6.0 | +W19  +B18  -B2   +W11  +W7   -B1   +W6   +B10   |   27.0 
  4  Liu,Clarissa                    827     QLD  5.5 | +B21  +W8   +B5   =W2   -B6   -W7   +B16  +W14   |   26.5 
  5  Wang,Charlotte                  364     QLD  5.0 | +W10  +B12  -W4   =B17  +B16  +W20  =W1   -B2    |   25.5 
  6  Katakam,Aadhya Sai              818     VIC  5.0 | +W22  -B1   +W18  +B12  +W4   -W2   -B3   +B13   |   24.0 
  7  Goldstein,Clio                  665     QLD  5.0 | -B13  +W14  +B21  +W9   -B3   +B4   +W11  -B1    |   23.0 
  8  Meredith,Zoe                    500     TAS  5.0 | +W24  -B4   +W22  -B1   +W13  +B12  -B2   +W16   |   22.0 
  9  Tan,Mia                           0     VIC  5.0 | -B16  +BYE  +W17  -B7   -W21  +W23  +B20  +B11   |   19.0 
 10  Wang,Iris                      1014     QLD  4.5 | -B5   +W13  +B20  =W16  -B11  +W24  +B12  -W3    |   20.5 
 11  Ong,Yun Li (Charlotte)          618     QLD  4.0 | +W23  +B16  -W1   -B3   +W10  +B21  -B7   -W9    |   22.0 
 12  Fleming,Alexandra               575      WA  4.0 | +B14  -W5   +B13  -W6   +B15  -W8   -W10  +B21   |   19.0 
 13  Yuan,Erin                       149     VIC  4.0 | +W7   -B10  -W12  +B18  -B8   +W15  +B17  -W6    |   18.0 
 14  Anup Kumar,Sia                  100     NSW  4.0 | -W12  -B7   +W24  -B22  +W18  +B25  +W21  -B4    |   15.0 
 15  Simic,Fedra                       0     QLD  4.0 | -W1   +B23  -W16  +B19  -W12  -B13  +BYE  +W20   |   15.0 
 16  Zuo,Ella                        416      SA  3.5 | +W9   -W11  +B15  =B10  -W5   +B22  -W4   -B8    |   19.5 
 17  Feng,Echo                       552     ACT  3.5 | +B25  -W2   -B9   =W5   -B23  +BYE  -W13  +B24   |   14.5 
 18  Wang,Yuxian                       0     NSW  3.5 | +BYE  -W3   -B6   -W13  -B14  =W19  +B24  +W25   |   12.5 
 19  Agrawal,Aadhya                    0      WA  3.5 | -B3   -B20  -W23  -W15  +BYE  =B18  +W25  +B22   |    8.5 
 20  Uuganbaatar,Uranbaigali         318      WA  3.0 | -B2   +W19  -W10  +B23  +W22  -B5   -W9   -B15   |   16.0 
 21  Nyamdari,Khatangua              306      WA  3.0 | -W4   +B24  -W7   +B25  +B9   -W11  -B14  -W12   |   16.0 
 22  Tan,Audrey                      234      WA  3.0 | -B6   +W25  -B8   +W14  -B20  -W16  +B23  -W19   |   14.0 
 23  Ishgavaa,Sondor                 135      WA  3.0 | -B11  -W15  +B19  -W20  +W17  -B9   -W22  +BYE   |   11.0 
 24  Hu,Elsie                          0     NSW  2.0 | -B8   -W21  -B14  +BYE  +W25  -B10  -W18  -W17   |    9.0 
 25  Dagiitseye,Sondor                 0      WA  1.0 | -W17  -B22  +BYE  -W21  -B24  -W14  -B19  -B18   |    6.0

2025 AJCC Under 8 Open - Prizewinners

  1st & 2025 Australian Under 8 Open Chess Champion: Nicholas Yuileng Chen QLD (8.0/9)

  2nd: Yusuf Khodjaev TAS (7.0/9)

  3rd: Brian Yang QLD (6.5/9)

 Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    |    PS  
  1  Chen,Nicholas Yuileng          1170     QLD  8.0 | +W13  +B4   +W7   =B5   =B3   +W2   +B6   +W8   +B9    |   39.5 
  2  Khodjaev,Yusuf                 1286     TAS  7.0 | +B10  +W6   +B8   -W3   +B4   -B1   +W5   +W12  +B7    |   35.0 
  3  Yang,Brian                        0     QLD  6.5 | +W12  +B5   +W15  +B2   =W1   +B7   +W13  -W4   -B6    |   39.5 
  4  Kuncoro,Harvey                  732     NSW  6.5 | +B19  -W1   +B13  +W8   -W2   =B5   +W7   +B3   +W12   |   30.0 
  5  Batyrbekov,Aidan                777     VIC  5.5 | +B16  -W3   +B10  =W1   +B8   =W4   -B2   =W6   +B13   |   28.0 
  6  Luong,Daniel                    663      WA  5.5 | +W14  -B2   +W9   -B7   +W15  +B11  -W1   =B5   +W3    |   27.0 
  7  Li,Harry                        767     VIC  5.0 | +W11  +F17  -B1   +W6   +B12  -W3   -B4   +B13  -W2    |   30.0 
  8  Kuchits,Neil                    825     NSW  5.0 | +W18  +B9   -W2   -B4   -W5   +B14  +W15  -B1   +W16   |   25.0 
  9  Fu,Francis                      217     QLD  4.5 | +W15  -W8   -B6   +B14  -W13  +B19  =W10  +B18  -W1    |   22.5 
 10  Brackenridge,Zeno               521      WA  4.5 | -W2   +B11  -W5   -B12  +W19  +B15  =B9   -W16  +W18   |   19.5 
 11  Chen,Draymond                     0     VIC  4.5 | -B7   -W10  +B18  -W13  +B16  -W6   =B19  +W14  +B15   |   16.5 
 12  Wu,Eleanor                      565     QLD  4.0 | -B3   +W16  +B14  +W10  -W7   -B13  +W18  -B2   -B4    |   24.0 
 13  Mao,Max                         508     ACT  4.0 | -B1   +W19  -W4   +B11  +B9   +W12  -B3   -W7   -W5    |   23.0 
 14  Wang,Yuxian                       0     NSW  4.0 | -B6   +BYE  -W12  -W9   +B18  -W8   +B16  -B11  +W19   |   17.0 
 15  Lee,Lochlan                     916     NSW  3.0 | -B9   +W18  -B3   +W16  -B6   -W10  -B8   +W19  -W11   |   16.0 
 16  Byambabat,Soyombo                 0      WA  2.0 | -W5   -B12  +W19  -B15  -W11  -B18  -W14  +B10  -B8    |    9.0 
 17  Yin,Yichen                 (W)    0     NSW  1.0 | +BYE  -F7    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    |    9.0 
 18  Brar,Japeaek                      0     QLD  1.0 | -B8   -B15  -W11  +B19  -W14  -W16  -B12  -W9   -B10   |    6.0 
 19  Ding,Jerry                        0     NSW  0.5 | -W4   -B13  -B16  -W18  -B10  -W9   =W11  -B15  -B14   |    1.5

2025 AJCC Under 18 Blitz

  Under 18 Open

  1st: Toby Huey NSW (9.5/11)

  2nd: FM Yihe Rebo Fu WA (8.5/11)

  3rd: Shaurya Jain QLD (7.5/11)

  Under 18 Girls

  1st: Athena-Malar Retnaraja SA (6.5/11) 

  2nd: Chelsea Huey NSW (5.5/11)

  3rd: Vicky Qian NSW (5.0/11)

  Under 16 Open

  1st: Issa Majidi WA (9.0/11)

  2nd: Lachlan Wang QLD (7.5/11)

  3rd: Oscar Gao WA (7.0/11)

  Under 16 Girls

  1st: Elaina Qiang QLD (6.0/11)

  2nd: Linda Zhiling Qian NSW (5.0/11)

  Under 14 Open

  1st: Anand Munkhbat NSW (7.5/11)

  2nd: Ashvin Balavignan WA (7.5/11)

  3rd: Daniel Wang NSW (7.0/11)

  Under 14 Girls

  1st: Chanya Rupasinghe NSW (6.0/11)

  2nd: Isabella Guan QLD (5.0/11)

 Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    |    PS  
  1  Huey,Toby                      1979     NSW  9.5 | +W50  +B31  =W42  +B8   +W29  +B3   +W5   =W4   =B2   +B12  +W10   |   58.0 
  2  Majidi,Issa                    1450      WA  9.0 | +W12  +B15  +W19  -B3   +W9   +B11  +B10  +W5   =W1   =B4   +W13   |   55.5 
  3  Fu,Yihe (Rebo)                 2336  FM  WA  8.5 | +B18  +W26  +B14  +W2   -B4   -W1   +B30  +W11  =B10  +B6   +W12   |   51.5 
  4  Wang,Lachlan                   1695     QLD  7.5 | +B51  +W13  +B60  +W10  +W3   =B5   =W6   =B1   -W12  =W2   =B8    |   54.0 
  5  Jain,Shaurya                   1735     QLD  7.5 | +F55  +W61  +B16  +W6   +B7   =W4   -B1   -B2   -W13  +W29  +B15   |   51.0 
  6  Munkhbat,Anand                 2150      OS  7.5 | +B38  +W34  +W11  -B5   +B24  +W15  =B4   -W10  +B7   -W3   +B18   |   49.5 
  7  Retnaraja,Ethan                2138      SA  7.5 | +W32  +B25  =W29  +B42  -W5   -B8   +W33  +B9   -W6   +B30  +W23   |   45.5 
  8  Rupasinghe,Sayum               1980     NSW  7.5 | =B60  +W39  +B13  -W1   =B42  +W7   =B31  +W16  +B29  =W10  =W4    |   45.0 
  9  Balavignan,Ashvin              1744      WA  7.5 | +B46  +W27  -B10  +W18  -B2   +W23  +B35  -W7   =B15  +W16  +B17   |   44.5 
 10  Gao,Oscar                      1968      WA  7.0 | +W20  +B36  +W9   -B4   +W31  +B22  -W2   +B6   =W3   =B8   -B1    |   49.5 
 11  Prithvi,Parthiv                1884     NSW  7.0 | +F63  +W24  -B6   +W30  +B34  -W2   +B18  -B3   +W22  -B13  +W25   |   45.0 
 12  Wang,Daniel                    1972     NSW  7.0 | -B2   +F63  -W32  +B21  +W60  +W24  +B29  +W15  +B4   -W1   -B3    |   43.0 
 13  Boyd-Norman,James              2180      SA  7.0 | +W22  -B4   -W8   +B37  +W32  -B29  +W38  +B23  +B5   +W11  -B2    |   40.0 
 14  Faizal,Shaheel                 1910     NSW  7.0 | +W44  +B49  -W3   -B31  +W39  -B18  -W20  +B40  +W36  +B37  +W22   |   38.0 
 15  Maleki,Aiden                   1775     NSW  6.5 | +F54  -W2   +B35  +W23  +B38  -B6   +W22  -B12  =W9   +B20  -W5    |   43.5 
 16  Ong,Jonathan Si Seng           1936     NSW  6.5 | +W43  +B37  -W5   -B29  =W20  +B21  +W36  -B8   +W42  -B9   +W30   |   39.5 
 17  Chen,Dean                      1753     NSW  6.5 | -W37  +B52  +W50  +B33  -W22  -B35  +W40  +B36  =W30  +B19  -W9    |   39.5 
 18  Chinbat,Chintushig             1503      WA  6.5 | -W3   +B58  +W27  -B9   +B49  +W14  -W11  +B42  =W19  +B21  -W6    |   39.5 
 19  Retnaraja,Athena-Malar         1935      SA  6.5 | +B35  +W30  -B2   -W24  -B36  +W39  +B43  +W31  =B18  -W17  +B29   |   38.5 
 20  Rafiei Darani,Daryoush         1439      WA  6.5 | -B10  +W57  -B26  +W55  =B16  +W46  +B14  -W29  +B31  -W15  +B34   |   36.5 
 21  Anup Kumar,Vihaan              1949     NSW  6.5 | =B39  -W60  +B47  -W12  +B45  -W16  +B46  +W35  +B32  -W18  +B31   |   34.5 
 22  Harirajesh,Barath              1503      WA  6.0 | -B13  +W46  +B61  +W26  +B17  -W10  -B15  +W34  -B11  +W24  -B14   |   40.0 
 23  Qiang,Elaina                   1534     QLD  6.0 | +W59  -B29  +W37  -B15  +W44  -B9   +B55  -W13  +B27  +W41  -B7    |   37.0 
 24  Leung,Shun Him                 1574      OS  6.0 | +W41  -B11  +W36  +B19  -W6   -B12  -W37  +B44  +W43  -B22  +W35   |   36.0 
 25  Inukai,Kotaro                  1683     QLD  6.0 | +B57  -W7   +B40  -W38  -B54  -W37  +B45  +W47  +B39  +W35  -B11   |   34.0 
 26  Rupasinghe,Chanya              1707     NSW  6.0 | +W52  -B3   +W20  -B22  -W35  -B44  -W41  +B51  +W33  +B36  +W37   |   30.0 
 27  Dong,Thomas                       0     AUS  6.0 | +W28  -B9   -B18  -W36  -W43  +B58  +W57  +B38  -W23  +B44  +B39   |   29.0 
 28  Carrigan,William               1585      SA  6.0 | -B27  -W54  +B57  -W46  +B51  -B40  +W56  +W55  -B35  +W50  +B41   |   28.0 
 29  Gao,Terry                      1821     NSW  5.5 | +B40  +W23  =B7   +W16  -B1   +W13  -W12  +B20  -W8   -B5   -W19   |   43.5 
 30  Arav,Jayden                    1681     NSW  5.5 | +W53  -B19  +W44  -B11  +W40  +B54  -W3   +B37  =B17  -W7   -B16   |   38.5 
 31  Huey,Chelsea                   1552     NSW  5.5 | +B56  -W1   +B54  +W14  -B10  +W42  =W8   -B19  -W20  +B32  -W21   |   38.5 
 32  Harris,Eamon                   1472      WA  5.5 | -B7   +W55  +B12  -W34  -B13  =W45  +B49  +B33  -W21  -W31  +B42   |   32.0 
 33  De Vas,Yonal                   1516      WA  5.5 | -B61  +W47  +B45  -W17  =B46  +W38  -B7   -W32  -B26  +W55  +W43   |   31.5 
 34  Qian,Linda (Zhiling)           1691     NSW  5.0 | +W58  -B6   +W43  +B32  -W11  -B36  +W54  -B22  -W41  +B40  -W20   |   35.0 
 35  Inukai,Rentaro                 1383     QLD  5.0 | -W19  +B59  -W15  +B52  +B26  +W17  -W9   -B21  +W28  -B25  -B24   |   34.0 
 36  Guan,Isabella                  1272     QLD  5.0 | +F62  -W10  -B24  +B27  +W19  +W34  -B16  -W17  -B14  -W26  +B49   |   33.0 
 37  Qian,Vicky                     1206     NSW  5.0 | +B17  -W16  -B23  -W13  +W41  +B25  +B24  -W30  +B46  -W14  -B26   |   32.0 
 38  Koh,Shannon                    1484      WA  5.0 | -W6   +B53  +W49  +B25  -W15  -B33  -B13  -W27  +B47  -W39  +W45   |   31.0 
 39  Pan,Renee Yang                 1429     NSW  5.0 | =W21  -B8   +W48  =W60  -B14  -B19  +W50  +B54  -W25  +B38  -W27   |   29.5 
 40  Raptis,Liam                    1267      WA  5.0 | -W29  +B48  -W25  +B56  -B30  +W28  -B17  -W14  +B49  -W34  +B50   |   28.0 
 41  Malik,Aidan                       0      WA  5.0 | -B24  -B43  -W52  +W47  -B37  +W51  +B26  +W45  +B34  -B23  -W28   |   26.0 
 42  Arav,Nathan                    1760     NSW  4.5 | +B47  +W45  =B1   -W7   =W8   -B31  +W44  -W18  -B16  =B43  -W32   |   35.0 
 43  Zeng,Vera                      1410     VIC  4.5 | -B16  +W41  -B34  -W45  +B27  +B48  -W19  +W49  -B24  =W42  -B33   |   28.0 
 44  Lee,Lucas                      1321      WA  4.5 | -B14  +W56  -B30  +W51  -B23  +W26  -B42  -W24  +B55  -W27  =B47   |   27.5 
 45  Chen,Micah                      921     VIC  4.5 | +W48  -B42  -W33  +B43  -W21  =B32  -W25  -B41  +W54  +W46  -B38   |   27.0 
 46  Huang,Yuqi (Ricky)             1203      WA  4.5 | -W9   -B22  +W58  +B28  =W33  -B20  -W21  +B48  -W37  -B45  +W57   |   25.5 
 47  Wu,Kobe                        1252      WA  4.5 | -W42  -B33  -W21  -B41  +W59  +B57  +W48  -B25  -W38  +B56  =W44   |   20.5 
 48  Foster,Eric                    1711     TAS  4.5 | -B45  -W40  -B39  +W53  +B52  -W43  -B47  -W46  =B59  +B51  +W54   |   19.5 
 49  Yin,Ares                          0      WA  4.0 | +BYE  -W14  -B38  +B58  -W18  +B50  -W32  -B43  -W40  +B54  -W36   |   27.0 
 50  Sutton,Hera                    1463     TAS  4.0 | -B1   +W51  -B17  -W54  +B57  -W49  -B39  +W52  +W56  -B28  -W40   |   24.0 
 51  Kazemian,Samyar                 727      WA  4.0 | -W4   -B50  +W59  -B44  -W28  -B41  +B53  -W26  +B52  -W48  +B58   |   18.0 
 52  Gough,Sebastian                 868      WA  4.0 | -B26  -W17  +B41  -W35  -W48  -B56  +W58  -B50  -W51  +B53  +BYE   |   17.0 
 53  Zhao,William                    298      WA  3.5 | -B30  -W38  -B55  -B48  -W58  =B59  -W51  +BYE  +B57  -W52  +W56   |   11.0 
 54  Mezger,Kado                    1255      WA  3.0 | -F15  +B28  -W31  +B50  +W25  -W30  -B34  -W39  -B45  -W49  -B48   |   25.0 
 55  Mezger,Sol                      998      WA  3.0 | -F5   -B32  +W53  -B20  +W56  +B60  -W23  -B28  -W44  -B33  -W59   |   22.0 
 56  Olavario,Higino Yuan              0      WA  3.0 | -W31  -B44  +BYE  -W40  -B55  +W52  -B28  +W59  -B50  -W47  -B53   |   19.0 
 57  Ishgavaa,Belle                  616      WA  3.0 | -W25  -B20  -W28  +B59  -W50  -W47  -B27  +B58  -W53  +BYE  -B46   |   14.0 
 58  Ishgavaa,Negun                  642      WA  3.0 | -B34  -W18  -B46  -W49  +B53  -W27  -B52  -W57  +BYE  +B59  -W51   |   12.0 
 59  Patro,Anay                        0      WA  3.0 | -B23  -W35  -B51  -W57  -B47  =W53  +BYE  -B56  =W48  -W58  +B55   |   10.5 
 60  Simic,Filip                (W) 1470     QLD  2.0 | =W8   +B21  -W4   =B39  -B12  -W55   --    --    --    --    --    |   19.5 
 61  Williams,Flynn             (W)    0      WA  1.0 | +W33  -B5   -W22   --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    |   11.0 
 62  Ding,Daniel (Yulin)        (W) 1889     NSW  0.0 | -F36   --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    |    0.0 
 63  Xu,Sophia                  (W) 1272     QLD  0.0 | -F11  -F12   --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    |    0.0

2025 AJCC Under 12 Blitz

  Under 12 Open

  1st: Zeqi Xing QLD (9.5/11)

  2nd: Callan Arav NSW (8.5/11)

  3rd: Ike Chang NSW (8.0/11)

  Under 12 Girls

  1st: Chloe Wang QLD (7.0/11)

  2nd: Grace Wang QLD (7.0/11)

  3rd: Cindy Chen SA (6.5/11)

  Under 10 Open

  1st: Lucas Parker VIC (8.5/11)

  2nd: Joey Su NSW (8.0/11)

  3rd: ChengYi Xia QLD (7.5/11)

  Under 10 Girls

  1st: Iris Wang QLD (6.0/11)

  2nd: Clarissa Liu QLD (5.5/11)

  Under 8 Open

  1st: Nicholas Yuileng Chen QLD (6.5/11)

  2nd: Neil Kuchits NSW (6.5/11)

  3rd: Yusuf Khodjaev TAS (6.5/11)

  Under 8 Girls

  1st: Ella Zuo SA (5.0/11)

  2nd: Charlotte Yun Li Ong QLD (4.0/11)

 Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    |    PS  
  1  Xing,Zeqi                      1553     QLD  9.5 | +B49  +W40  +B12  +W3   +B19  +W2   +B7   +W6   +B5   -W4   =B8    |   63.5 
  2  Parker,Lucas                   1529     VIC  8.5 | +W63  +B11  +W50  +B6   +W4   -B1   +B3   -W5   =W8   +B9   +W15   |   54.5 
  3  Arav,Callan                    1637     NSW  8.5 | +W34  +B18  +W9   -B1   +W28  +B17  -W2   +B8   +W7   =B6   +W4    |   52.0 
  4  Su,Joey                        1838     NSW  8.0 | +B41  +W10  +B45  +W13  -B2   -W7   +W9   +B17  +W15  +B1   -B3    |   52.0 
  5  Chang,Ike                      1530     NSW  8.0 | +B52  -W12  +B56  +W39  =B14  +W10  +B18  +B2   -W1   +W20  =B6    |   49.0 
  6  Xia,ChengYi                    1622     QLD  7.5 | +B56  +W31  +B29  -W2   +B36  =W18  +B11  -B1   +W22  =W3   =W5    |   49.5 
  7  Di,Elvin                       1589     NSW  7.5 | =B44  +W58  =B39  +W40  +B29  +B4   -W1   +W28  -B3   =W12  +B22   |   47.0 
  8  He,Enock                       1304     NSW  7.5 | +B59  =W22  +B25  -W19  +B46  +W38  +B21  -W3   =B2   +W17  =W1    |   47.0 
  9  Gong,Leo                       1264      WA  7.5 | +B54  +W75  -B3   +W12  =B21  +W36  -B4   +W25  +B10  -W2   +B23   |   46.5 
 10  Oakley,Brett                   1065     QLD  7.5 | +W73  -B4   +W32  +B50  =W27  -B5   +W56  +B35  -W9   +B26  +W18   |   43.5 
 11  Batyrbekov,Kaisar               906     VIC  7.5 | +B67  -W2   +B59  +W23  =B45  +W19  -W6   -B27  +B36  +W21  +B20   |   43.5 
 12  Stanton,John                    952     QLD  7.5 | +W77  +B5   -W1   -B9   +W50  -B35  +W73  +B31  +W27  =B7   +W30   |   42.0 
 13  Wang,Kyler                     1619     TAS  7.0 | +W57  +B28  +W24  -B4   -W18  +B20  -W17  +B48  +W16  -B15  +W27   |   44.0 
 14  Wang,Chloe                     1174     QLD  7.0 | +W64  -B50  +W49  +B16  =W5   =B27  =W35  -B22  +W38  =B24  +W37   |   42.0 
 15  Wang,Grace                      581     QLD  7.0 | -B30  +W71  -B40  +W75  +B39  +W31  +B29  +W21  -B4   +W13  -B2    |   42.0 
 16  Huang,Joshua Kai-En             762     VIC  7.0 | -B21  +W60  +B47  -W14  +B59  +W30  =B23  =W19  -B13  +W45  +B28   |   39.5 
 17  Kuchits,Neil                    825     NSW  6.5 | +B71  +W23  =B19  =B27  +W35  -W3   +B13  -W4   +B29  -B8   =W24   |   45.0 
 18  Chen,Nicholas Yuileng          1044     QLD  6.5 | +B74  -W3   +B53  +W41  +B13  =B6   -W5   +W23  -B20  +W19  -B10   |   44.0 
 19  Zang,Chen Bi                   1541      SA  6.5 | +W32  +B37  =W17  +B8   -W1   -B11  +W55  =B16  =W24  -B18  +W35   |   43.0 
 20  Chen,Cindy                     1113      SA  6.5 | +B60  -W21  +B52  =W55  +B22  -W13  +B38  +W36  +W18  -B5   -W11   |   43.0 
 21  Khodjaev,Yusuf                 1798     TAS  6.5 | +W16  +B20  -W35  +B31  =W9   +B37  -W8   -B15  +W25  -B11  +W42   |   42.5 
 22  Le,Quang Minh                   739      WA  6.5 | +W26  =B8   -W27  +B58  -W20  +B60  +W30  +W14  -B6   +B35  -W7    |   41.0 
 23  Gupta-Devdia,Vivaan            1335     TAS  6.5 | +W38  -B17  +W48  -B11  +W49  +B24  =W16  -B18  +W37  +B42  -W9    |   40.5 
 24  Ho,Gia Bao                      870      WA  6.5 | +B70  +W30  -B13  -W29  +B51  -W23  +B52  +W45  =B19  =W14  =B17   |   40.0 
 25  Glick,Emil                      923      WA  6.5 | +W69  =B27  -W8   +B57  -W38  +B73  +W26  -B9   -B21  +W32  +B36   |   38.0 
 26  Tay,Mason                      1726     NSW  6.5 | -B22  +W54  -B41  +W42  =B56  +W44  -B25  +W57  +B28  -W10  +B40   |   35.5 
 27  Ni,Marcus                      1506     NSW  6.0 | +B53  =W25  +B22  =W17  =B10  =W14  -B28  +W11  -B12  +W29  -B13   |   41.5 
 28  Lee,William                    1017     VIC  6.0 | +B76  -W13  +B42  +W30  -B3   +W45  +W27  -B7   -W26  +B47  -W16   |   41.0 
 29  Chen,Charlotte                 1275      SA  6.0 | +W72  +B33  -W6   +B24  -W7   +B63  -W15  +B32  -W17  -B27  +W49   |   40.0 
 30  Tang,Talos                     1497     NSW  6.0 | +W15  -B24  +W33  -B28  +W48  -B16  -B22  +W53  +B41  +W39  -B12   |   36.0 
 31  Ashok,Akash                    1019      WA  6.0 | +F79  -B6   +W63  -W21  +B32  -B15  +W49  -W12  -B42  +W52  +B51   |   35.0 
 32  Luong,Daniel                    663      WA  6.0 | -B19  +W67  -B10  +W69  -W31  +B64  +B39  -W29  +W33  -B25  +W47   |   33.0 
 33  Wang,Iris                       777     QLD  6.0 | +B65  -W29  -B30  -W51  -B66  +B62  +W68  +W74  -B32  +W53  +B45   |   29.0 
 34  Page,Ethan                      739      WA  6.0 | -B3   -W74  +B76  -W59  +B69  +W66  -B45  +W51  -B47  +W54  +B46   |   29.0 
 35  Zhang,Xintong                  1340     QLD  5.5 | +B51  +W55  +B21  -W36  -B17  +W12  =B14  -W10  +B56  -W22  -B19   |   41.5 
 36  Khodjaeva,Mary                 1558     TAS  5.5 | +W48  =B39  +W43  +B35  -W6   -B9   +W37  -B20  -W11  +B55  -W25   |   40.0 
 37  Perera,Kaviru                   940      WA  5.5 | +B80  -W19  +B51  =W45  +B55  -W21  -B36  +W41  -B23  +W56  -B14   |   37.0 
 38  Song,George                     556     QLD  5.5 | -B23  +W65  =B46  +W47  +B25  -B8   -W20  +W40  -B14  =W41  =B39   |   35.0 
 39  De Vas,Senudi                   976      WA  5.5 | +B66  =W36  =W7   -B5   -W15  +B50  -W32  +B73  +W64  -B30  =W38   |   34.0 
 40  Kovalenko,Kiy                   981     VIC  5.5 | +W68  -B1   +W15  -B7   -W63  =B42  +W60  -B38  +W61  +B57  -W26   |   33.0 
 41  Liu,Clarissa                    770     QLD  5.5 | -W4   +B64  +W26  -B18  -W73  +B51  +W63  -B37  -W30  =B38  +W57   |   32.0 
 42  Ruaya,Rohan                     578     VIC  5.5 | -W45  +B61  -W28  -B26  +W70  =W40  +B46  +B55  +W31  -W23  -B21   |   32.0 
 43  Lougheed,Liam                     0      WA  5.5 | =B58  +W44  -B36  -W46  -B52  +B61  -W57  +W60  -B53  +W59  +B56   |   28.5 
 44  Li,Harry                        699     VIC  5.5 | =W7   -B43  -W57  +B68  +W62  -B26  -W58  -B61  +W71  +B64  +W55   |   26.5 
 45  Khadka,Ronav                   1494     NSW  5.0 | +B42  +W46  -W4   =B37  =W11  -B28  +W34  -B24  +W48  -B16  -W33   |   36.5 
 46  Wu,Ethan                        892     QLD  5.0 | +W61  -B45  =W38  +B43  -W8   -B56  -W42  +B71  =W49  +B63  -W34   |   31.0 
 47  Meredith,Zoe                   1383     TAS  5.0 | -W50  +B72  -W16  -B38  +W68  +B53  -W48  +B63  +W34  -W28  -B32   |   30.0 
 48  Ye,Daniel                       688      WA  5.0 | -B36  +W66  -B23  +W54  -B30  +W59  +B47  -W13  -B45  -W51  +B65   |   30.0 
 49  Munkhjargal,Chingun             684      WA  5.0 | -W1   +B68  -B14  +W66  -B23  +W74  -B31  =W59  =B46  +W65  -B29   |   29.5 
 50  Fleming,Alexandra               575      WA  5.0 | +B47  +W14  -B2   -W10  -B12  -W39  -B74  +W69  -B65  +B58  +W67   |   28.0 
 51  Munkhjargal,Chinkhusel          569      WA  5.0 | -W35  +B62  -W37  +B33  -W24  -W41  +B75  -B34  +W73  +B48  -W31   |   28.0 
 52  Tseng,Jayden                    647      WA  5.0 | -W5   +B77  -W20  -B73  +W43  +B65  -W24  -B64  +W74  -B31  +W61   |   27.0 
 53  Zuo,Ella                        593      SA  5.0 | -W27  +B69  -W18  -B74  +W67  -W47  +B66  -B30  +W43  -B33  +W64   |   26.0 
 54  Brackenridge,Zeno               521      WA  5.0 | -W9   -B26  +W61  -B48  -W65  -B67  +W72  +W70  +B75  -B34  +W63   |   22.0 
 55  Togtmol,Uudamkhishig            801      WA  4.5 | +W62  -B35  +W74  =B20  -W37  +B57  -B19  -W42  +B59  -W36  -B44   |   33.0 
 56  Zuo,Emma                        727      SA  4.5 | -W6   +B73  -W5   +B64  =W26  +W46  -B10  +B58  -W35  -B37  -W43   |   31.5 
 57  Batyrbekov,Aidan                726     VIC  4.5 | -B13  =W76  +B44  -W25  +B74  -W55  +B43  -B26  +W58  -W40  -B41   |   29.0 
 58  Shu,John                        855     NSW  4.5 | =W43  -B7   +B75  -W22  -B60  +W71  +B44  -W56  -B57  -W50  +B66   |   26.5 
 59  Balasubramaniam,Pranav          551      WA  4.5 | -W8   +B78  -W11  +B34  -W16  -B48  +W67  =B49  -W55  -B43  +W72   |   26.0 
 60  Zuo,Sarah                       421     VIC  4.5 | -W20  -B16  =W62  +B72  +W58  -W22  -B40  -B43  +W68  -B61  +W69   |   23.5 
 61  Chen,Draymond                     0     VIC  4.5 | -B46  -W42  -B54  =W71  +B76  -W43  +B65  +W44  -B40  +W60  -B52   |   22.0 
 62  Nelson,Louis                      0      WA  4.5 | -B55  -W51  =B60  +W76  -B44  -W33  -B71  -W75  +B78  +W77  +B70   |   18.5 
 63  Ong,Yun Li (Charlotte)          618     QLD  4.0 | -B2   +W70  -B31  +W65  +B40  -W29  -B41  -W47  +B66  -W46  -B54   |   28.0 
 64  Dadras,Datis                    433      WA  4.0 | -B14  -W41  +B67  -W56  +B75  -W32  +B70  +W52  -B39  -W44  -B53   |   25.0 
 65  Simic,Fedra                       0     QLD  4.0 | -W33  -B38  +W77  -B63  +B54  -W52  -W61  +B68  +W50  -B49  -W48   |   23.0 
 66  Gao,Jo                          229      WA  4.0 | -W39  -B48  +W78  -B49  +W33  -B34  -W53  +B67  -W63  +B73  -W58   |   22.0 
 67  Cheela,Saharsh                    0      WA  4.0 | -W11  -B32  -W64  +B78  -B53  +W54  -B59  -W66  +B77  +W75  -B50   |   19.0 
 68  Nyamdari,Khatangua              306      WA  4.0 | -B40  -W49  +B71  -W44  -B47  +W69  -B33  -W65  -B60  +B78  +W74   |   18.0 
 69  He,Ethan                        100     NSW  3.5 | -B25  -W53  +W72  -B32  -W34  -B68  +W78  -B50  =B76  +W71  -B60   |   17.5 
 70  Kazemian,Seevan                   0      WA  3.5 | -W24  -B63  -W73  +B77  -B42  +W76  -W64  -B54  =W72  +B74  -W62   |   17.5 
 71  Low,Henry                         0      WA  3.5 | -W17  -B15  -W68  =B61  +W77  -B58  +W62  -W46  -B44  -B69  +W78   |   17.0 
 72  Anup Kumar,Sia                  533     NSW  3.5 | -B29  -W47  -B69  -W60  +B78  -W75  -B54  +W77  =B70  +W76  -B59   |   14.5 
 73  Wang,Charlotte                  364     QLD  3.0 | -B10  -W56  +B70  +W52  +B41  -W25  -B12  -W39  -B51  -W66  -B76   |   24.0 
 74  Perera,Damsara                  341      WA  3.0 | -W18  +B34  -B55  +W53  -W57  -B49  +W50  -B33  -B52  -W70  -B68   |   23.0 
 75  Stanton,Luke                      0      WA  3.0 | +W78  -B9   -W58  -B15  -W64  +B72  -W51  +B62  -W54  -B67  -B77   |   21.0 
 76  Koppolu,Asher Jayden            310      WA  3.0 | -W28  =B57  -W34  -B62  -W61  -B70  -W77  +B78  =W69  -B72  +W73   |   11.5 
 77  Ishgavaa,Sondor                 135      WA  2.0 | -B12  -W52  -B65  -W70  -B71  -W78  +B76  -B72  -W67  -B62  +W75   |    6.0 
 78  Janjua,Qasim                      0      WA  1.0 | -B75  -W59  -B66  -W67  -W72  +B77  -B69  -W76  -W62  -W68  -B71   |    6.0 
 79  Uuganbaatar,Uranbaigali    (W)  318      WA  0.0 | -F31   --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    |    0.0 
 80  Ishgavaa,Sondor            (W)  135      WA  0.0 | -W37   --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    |    0.0

2025 AJCC Under 18 Problem Solving

  Under 18 Open

  1st: Daniel Wang NSW

  2nd: Seth Peramunetilleke NSW

  3rd: FM Yihe Rebo Fu WA

  Under 18 Girls

  1st: Renee Yang Pan NSW

  2nd: WFM Chloe Fan VIC

  3rd: Linda Zhiling Qian NSW

  Under 16 Open

  1st: Savin Peramunetilleke NSW

  2nd: Oscar Gao WA

  3rd: Lachlan Wang QLD

  Under 16 Girls

  1st: Vera Zeng VIC

  2nd: Elaina Qiang QLD

  Under 14 Open

  1st: Ryan Chengji Liu NSW

  2nd: Ashvin Balavignan WA

  3rd: Aidan Maleki NSW

  Under 14 Girls

  1st: Vicky Qian NSW

  2nd: Isabella Guan QLD

2025 AJCC Under 12 Problem Solving

  Under 12 Open

  1st: Great Boyou Lau (*) NZ

  2nd: Leo Gong WA

  3rd: Chen Bi Zang SA

 Under 12 Girls

  1st: Chloe Wang QLD

  2nd: Charlotte Chen SA

  3rd: Emma Zuo SA
(*) Great Boyou Lau (NZ) is ineligible for the title of Australian U12 Problem Solving Champion due to his residency status. Hence, the title of Australian U12 Problem Solving Champion is awarded to Leo Gong (WA).

  Under 10 Open

  1st: Joey Su NSW

  2nd: ChengYi Xia QLD

  3rd: Kiy Kovalenko VIC

  Under 10 Girls

  1st: Iris Wang QLD

  2nd: Clarissa Liu QLD

  Under 8 Open

  1st: Yusuf Khodjaev TAS

  2nd: Aidan Batyrbekov VIC

  3rd: Nicholas Yuileng Chen QLD

  Under 8 Girls

  1st: Charlotte Ong QLD

  2nd: Charlotte Wang QLD

2025 AJCC Photo Gallery

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