The inaugural Perth Chess League commenced on the 12th of March 2024

Format for the Perth Chess League is given below:

1. The Perth Chess League will be a Swiss-system team tournament with a minimum of six and a maximum of ten rounds (depending on entries and venue availability).

2. Teams must consist of a minimum of four and a maximum of six players. All players must be CAWA members.

3. Teams do not need to be aligned to an existing club. Teams can be club, school, community group, or simply casual. All welcome.

4. Team rating will be the sum of the four highest rated players. No limits on ratings.

5. Games will be ACF rated at a classical time control: 75 minutes with a 30 second increment from move 1. FIDE laws of chess will apply.

6. Matches will be played in a four-board format.

7. One round per month, starting in March and running no later than November.

8. The matches will be played on a weeknight. Three rounds will be at Southern Suburbs, one at Metro, and one at Swan Valley. The other venues are TBC.

9. The winner will be based on Match Points with Game Points used as the tie-break.

10. The team entry fee (to cover venue and rating costs) is $40.

Note: Registration for the 2024 Perth Chess League is now closed.

Playing schedule for the 2024 Perth Chess League is given below:

Round 1: 12 March - Southern Suburbs CC
Round 2: 22 April - Swan Valley CC
Round 3: 7 May - Southern Suburbs CC
Round 4: 24 June - Canning Bridge Community Space, 63 Kishorn Road, Mount Pleasant.
Round 5: 10 July - Perth CC
Round 6: 8 August - Metro CC
Round 7: 24 September - Southern Suburbs CC
Round 8: 14 October - Swan Valley CC
Round 9: 20 November - Perth CC
Round 10: 10 December - Southern Suburbs CC

Please send all enquiries regarding the Perth Chess League to: Ian McAteer - Perth Chess League Coordinator     email:

Click here for all available 2024 PCL PGN's

2024 Perth Chess League - Standings after Round 9 (20 Nov)

 Pos score ID  Team Name                  | Rtg    Fed  |   SumR   
  1  12.0   4  Perth B                    | 1956   AUS  |   21.50 
  2  12.0   1  Southern Knights           | 2076   AUS  |   20.50 
  3  11.0   5  Southern Swindlers         | 1928   AUS  |   20.50 
  4   8.0   2  Perth A                    | 1949   AUS  |   17.00 
  5   8.0   6  Southern Fried Cabbage     | 1924   AUS  |   15.50 
  6   3.0   3  Metro                      | 1885   AUS  |   12.00

2024 Perth Chess League - Cross Table after Round 9 (20 Nov)

  N  Team Name                 Rtg    Fed   Score |   1          2        3        4        5        6     
  1  Perth B                   1956   AUS   12.0  |   *       1.0|0.0  1.0|1.0  1.0| -   0.0|0.0  1.0|1.0 
  2  Southern Knights          2076   AUS   12.0  |  0.0|1.0     *     0.0| -   1.0|1.0  0.5|1.0  1.0|0.5 
  3  Southern Swindlers        1928   AUS   11.0  |  0.0|0.0  1.0| -      *     0.0|1.0  1.0|0.5  1.0|1.0 
  4  Perth A                   1949   AUS    8.0  |  0.0| -   0.0|0.0  1.0|0.0     *     0.5|0.5  1.0|1.0 
  5  Southern Fried Cabbages   1924   AUS    8.0  |  1.0|1.0  0.5|0.0  0.0|0.5  0.5|0.5     *     0.0| - 
  6  Metro                     1885   AUS    3.0  |  0.0|0.0  0.0|0.5  0.0|0.0  0.0|0.0  1.0| -      *    

2024 Perth Chess League - Round 1
(Played 12 March at Southern Suburbs CC)

       Southern Knights         -  Southern Fried Cabbages   2.0 - 2.0
  [1]   1: Ferozkohi,Ihsan      -  51: Holland,Dennis        1.0 - 0.0
  [2]   2: Hare,Tim             -  52: King,David            0.0 - 1.0
  [3]   4: Soutar,Gavin         -  53: Wu,Kobe               1.0 - 0.0
  [4]   5: Milovanovic,Stevica  -  54: Gong,Leo              0.0 - 1.0
       Perth A                  -  Southern Swindlers        2.5 - 1.5
  [1]  11: Spirin,Victor        -  41: Hardegen,Andrew       0.5 - 0.5
  [2]  12: Clarke,Daniel        -  42: Hardegen,Kathryn      0.0 - 1.0
  [3]  14: Kerr,Carter          -  44: Huang,Hui             1.0 - 0.0
  [4]  15: Gough,Dylan          -  45: Huang,Yuqi (Ricky)    1.0 - 0.0
       Metro                    -  Perth B                   0.5 - 3.5
  [1]  22: Barry,David          -  31: Plaganyi,Gyula        0.5 - 0.5
  [2]  23: Simonds,Marcus       -  32: Curthoys,Edward       0.0 - 1.0
  [3]  24: Roebuck,Derek J      -  33: Balavignan,Ashvin     0.0 - 1.0
  [4]  25: Moseley,Paul         -  35: Kerr,Lennon           0.0 - 1.0

2024 Perth Chess League - Round 2
(Played 22 April at Swan Valley CC)

       Southern Fried Cabbages  -  Perth B                   2.5 - 1.5
  [1]  51: Holland,Dennis       -  31: Plaganyi,Gyula        0.5 - 0.5
  [2]  52: King,David           -  33: Balavignan,Ashvin     1.0 - 0.0
  [3]  53: Wu,Kobe              -  34: Janceski,Alex         0.0 - 1.0
  [4]  54: Gong,Leo             -  35: Kerr,Lennon           1.0 - 0.0
       Southern Swindlers       -  Metro                     3.5 - 0.5
  [1]  41: Hardegen,Andrew      -  22: Barry,David           1.0 - 0.0
  [2]  42: Hardegen,Kathryn     -  23: Simonds,Marcus        1.0 - 0.0
  [3]  43: Taylor,Noah          -  24: Roebuck,Derek J       0.5 - 0.5
  [4]  44: Huang,Hui            -  25: Moseley,Paul          1.0 - 0.0
       Southern Knights         -  Perth A                   2.5 - 1.5
  [1]   2: Hare,Tim             -  11: Spirin,Victor         0.5 - 0.5
  [2]   3: McAteer,Ian          -  13: Wolstencroft,Alan     1.0 - 0.0
  [3]   4: Soutar,Gavin         -  14: Kerr,Carter           1.0 - 0.0
  [4]   5: Milovanovic,Stevica  -  16: Knight,Charles        0.0 - 1.0

2024 Perth Chess League - Round 3
(Played 7 May at Southern Suburbs CC)

       Perth A                  -  Southern Fried Cabbages   2.0 - 2.0
  [1]  11: Spirin,Victor        -  51: Holland,Dennis        1.0 - 0.0
  [2]  12: Clarke,Daniel        -  52: King,David            0.5 - 0.5
  [3]  15: Gough,Dylan          -  53: Wu,Kobe               0.5 - 0.5
  [4]  16: Knight,Charles       -  54: Gong,Leo              0.0 - 1.0
       Metro                    -  Southern Knights          1.0 - 3.0
  [1]  22: Barry,David          -   1: Ferozkohi,Ihsan       0.0 - 1.0
  [2]  23: Simonds,Marcus       -   2: Hare,Tim              0.0 - 1.0
  [3]  24: Roebuck,Derek J      -   4: Soutar,Gavin          0.5 - 0.5
  [4]  25: Moseley,Paul         -   5: Milovanovic,Stevica   0.5 - 0.5
       Perth B                  -  Southern Swindlers        3.0 - 1.0
  [1]  31: Plaganyi,Gyula       -  41: Hardegen,Andrew       0.5 - 0.5
  [2]  32: Curthoys,Edward      -  42: Hardegen,Kathryn      0.5 - 0.5
  [3]  33: Balavignan,Ashvin    -  43: Taylor,Noah           1.0 - 0.0
  [4]  34: Janceski,Alex        -  45: Huang,Yuqi (Ricky)    1.0 - 0.0

2024 Perth Chess League - Round 4
(Played 24 June at Canning Bridge Community Space)

       Southern Fried Cabbages  -  Southern Swindlers        1.0 - 2.0
  [1]  52: King,David           -  41: Hardegen,Andrew       1.0 - 0.0
  [2]  54: Gong,Leo             -  42: Hardegen,Kathryn      0.0 - 1.0
  [3]  55: Deng,Harmoniche      -  45: Huang,Yuqi (Ricky)    0.0 - 1.0
  [4]   0: BYE                  -   0: BYE                    0F - 0F
       Southern Knights         -  Perth B                   1.5 - 2.5
  [1]   2: Hare,Tim             -  31: Plaganyi,Gyula        1.0 - 0.0
  [2]   3: McAteer,Ian          -  32: Balavignan,Ashvin     0.0 - 1.0
  [3]   4: Soutar,Gavin         -  33: Curthoys,Edward       0.5 - 0.5
  [4]   5: Milovanovic,Stevica  -  34: Janceski,Alex         0.0 - 1.0
       Perth A                  -  Metro                     3.0 - 1.0
  [1]  11: Spirin,Victor        -  21: O'Mahoney,Keegan      1.0 - 0.0
  [2]  12: Clarke,Daniel        -  22: Barry,David           1.0 - 0.0
  [3]  13: Wolstencroft,Alan    -  23: Roebuck,Derek J       0.0 - 1.0
  [4]  16: Knight,Charles       -  24: Simonds,Marcus        1.0 - 0.0

2024 Perth Chess League - Round 5
(Played 10 July at Perth CC)

       Metro                    -  Southern Fried Cabbages   3.5 - 0.5
  [1]  22: Barry,David          -  51: Holland,Dennis         1F - 0F
  [2]  23: Simonds,Marcus       -  52: King,David            0.5 - 0.5
  [3]  25: Moseley,Paul         -  54: Gong,Leo              1.0 - 0.0
  [4]  26: Williams,Joshua      -  56: BYE                    1F - 0F
       Perth B                  -  Perth A                   3.0 - 1.0
  [1]  31: Plaganyi,Gyula       -  12: Wolstencroft,Alan     1.0 - 0.0
  [2]  32: Balavignan,Ashvin    -  13: Clarke,Daniel         0.5 - 0.5
  [3]  33: Curthoys,Edward      -  15: Gough,Dylan           0.5 - 0.5
  [4]  34: Janceski,Alex        -  16: Knight,Charles        1.0 - 0.0
       Southern Swindlers       -  Southern Knights          3.0 - 1.0
  [1]  41: Hardegen,Andrew      -   3: McAteer,Ian           1.0 - 0.0
  [2]  42: Hardegen,Kathryn     -   4: Soutar,Gavin          0.0 - 1.0
  [3]   0: Huang,Hui            -   0: BYE                    1F - 0F
  [4]   0: Huang,Yuqi (Ricky)   -   0: BYE                    1F - 0F

2024 Perth Chess League - Round 6
(Played 8 August at Metro CC)

       Southern Fried Cabbages  -  Southern Knights          0.5 - 3.5
  [1]  51: Holland,Dennis       -   1: Ferozkohi,Ihsan       0.0 - 1.0
  [2]  52: King,David           -   2: Hare,Tim              0.0 - 1.0
  [3]  53: Torres,Juan Martin   -   3: McAteer,Ian           0.0 - 1.0
  [4]  56: Wu,Kobe              -   4: Soutar,Gavin          0.5 - 0.5
       Southern Swindlers       -  Perth A                   4.0 - 0.0
  [1]  41: Hardegen,Andrew      -  11: Spirin,Victor          1F - 0F
  [2]  42: Hardegen,Kathryn     -  12: Clarke,Daniel          1F - 0F
  [3]  43: Taylor,Noah          -  14: Kerr,Carter            1F - 0F
  [4]  44: Huang,Hui            -  15: Gough,Dylan            1F - 0F
       Perth B                  -  Metro                     2.5 - 1.5
  [1]  31: Balavignan,Ashvin    -  21: O'Mahoney,Keegan      1.0 - 0.0
  [2]  32: Plaganyi,Gyula       -  22: Barry,David           0.5 - 0.5
  [3]  33: Curthoys,Edward      -  23: Roebuck,Derek J       0.0 - 1.0
  [4]  34: Janceski,Alex        -  24: Simonds,Marcus        1.0 - 0.0

2024 Perth Chess League - Round 7
(Played 24 September at Southern Suburbs CC)

       Perth B                  -  Southern Fried Cabbages     1.0 - 3.0
  [1]  31: Balavignan,Ashvin    -  51: Holland,Dennis          0.5 - 0.5
  [2]  32: Plaganyi,Gyula       -  52: King,David              0.5 - 0.5
  [3]  33: Curthoys,Edward      -  53: Lucas,Bradley           0.0 - 1.0
  [4]  34: Janceski,Alex        -  54: Rithauddin,Florentyna   0.0 - 1.0
       Metro                    -  Southern Swindlers          1.5 - 2.5
  [1]  21: O'Mahoney,Keegan     -  41: Hardegen,Andrew         1.0 - 0.0 
  [2]  22: Barry,David          -  42: Hardegen,Kathryn        0.0 - 1.0 
  [3]  23: Roebuck,Derek J      -  43: Taylor,Noah             0.5 - 0.5
  [4]  24: Moseley,Paul         -  44: Huang,Hui               0.0 - 1.0
       Perth A                  -  Southern Knights            1.5 - 2.5
  [1]  11: Spirin,Victor        -   1: Hare,Tim                1.0 - 0.0
  [2]  12: Clarke,Daniel        -   2: McAteer,Ian             0.5 - 0.5
  [3]  13: Wolstencroft,Alan    -   3: Soutar,Gavin            0.0 - 1.0
  [4]  14: Gough,Dylan          -   4: Van Burgel,Bradley      0.0 - 1.0

2024 Perth Chess League - Round 8
(Played 14 October at Swan Valley CC)

       Southern Fried Cabbages       Perth A                     2.0 - 2.0
  [1]  51: Holland,Dennis         -  11: Spirin,Victor           0.0 - 1.0
  [2]  52: King,David             -  12: Rahmani,Noor            0.0 - 1.0
  [3]  53: Lucas,Bradley          -  13: Clarke,Daniel           1.0 - 0.0
  [4]  54: Rithauddin,Florentyna  -  14: Gough,Dylan             1.0 - 0.0
       Southern Knights           -  Metro                       2.0 - 2.0
  [5]   1: O'Gorman,Alice         -  21: O'Mahoney,Keegan        0.5 - 0.5
  [6]   2: McAteer,Ian            -  22: Barry,David             1.0 - 0.5
  [7]   3: Soutar,Gavin           -  23: Simonds,Marcus          0.5 - 0.5
  [8]   4: Van Burgel,Bradley     -  24: Williams,Joshua         0.0 - 1.0
       Southern Swindlers         -  Perth B                     1.0 - 3.0
  [9]  41: Hardegen,Andrew        -  31: Balavignan,Ashvin       0.0 - 1.0
  [10] 42: Hardegen,Kathryn       -  32: Plaganyi,Gyula          0.5 - 0.5
  [11] 43: Taylor,Noah (1835)     -  33: Elkington,Derek         0.5 - 0.5
  [12] 44: Huang,Hui (1814)       -  34: Janceski,Alex           0.0 - 1.0

2024 Perth Chess League - Round 9
(Played 20 November at Perth CC)

       Southern Swindlers         -  Southern Fried Cabbages     2.0 - 2.0
  [1]  41: Shen,Daniel            -  51: King,David              0.0 - 1.0
  [2]  42: Hardegen,Andrew        -  52: Lucas,Bradley           0.0 - 1.0
  [3]  43: Hardegen,Kathryn       -  53: Wu,Kobe                 1.0 - 0.0
  [4]  44: Hunag,Hui              -  54: Rithauddin,Florentyna   1.0 - 0.0
       Perth B                    -  Southern Knights            1.5 - 2.5
  [5]  31: Balavignan,Ashvin      -  1: Hare,Tim                 1.0 - 0.0
  [6]  32: Plaganyi,Gyula         -  2: O'Gorman,Alice           0.0 - 1.0
  [7]  33: Elkington,Derek        -  3: McAteer,Ian              0.0 - 1.0
  [8]  34: Janceski,Alex          -  4: Soutar,Gavin             0.5 - 0.5
       Metro                      -  Perth A                     0.5 - 3.5 
  [9]  21: Kinsman,Craig          - 11: Spirin,Victor            0.0 - 1.0
  [10] 22: Barry,David            - 12: Rahmani,Noor             0.0 - 1.0
  [11] 23: Simonds,Marcus         - 13: Gibson,Jacob             0.5 - 0.5
  [12] 24: Williams,Joshua        - 14: Clarke,Daniel            0.0 - 1.0