Tournament Winners

South West Open Perth Open Kingsley Open Gufeld Cup Willetton Open Christmas Open Foundation Day Open Yanchep/Two Rocks Allegro Midland Masters

Note: The list of Tournament Winners below is believed to be correct. Any missing information or corrections to the lists will be rectified once they are known.

South West Open

 Year  SW Open Champion  Country Champion
 1994  D. Ellis
 1995  A. Van Rooy & R. Maris
 1996  J. Painter
 1997  R. Butcher, R. Maris & R. Rozicki
 1998  R. Maris
 1999  J. Painter, D. Dwyer & A. Haasse
 2000  D. Dwyer  J. Painter
 2001  T. Boyd  J. Webber
 2002  M. Wilkins, J. Lakner & S. Byrne  D. Pike
 2003  T. Boyd  J. Painter
 2004  T. Boyd, A. Haasse & J. Lakner  J. Painter
 2005  J. Lakner  T. Donaldson
 2006  No event
 2007  No event
 2008  T. Donaldson  T. Donaldson
 2009  No event
 2010  No event
 2011  No event
 2012  J. Painter  J. Painter
 2013  G. Dunlop, D. Ellis, R. Maris & M. Vlietstra  S. Wood & J. Williams
 2014  M. Vlietstra  G. Donaldson & G. Plaganyi
 2015  A. Kelly & M. Vlietstra  S. Wood
 2016  M. Vlietstra  R. Rathnayake
 2017  A. Hardegen  M. Nairn & S. Wood
 2018  No event
 2019  No event
 2020  No event
 2021  T. Hare  M. Cumming & J. Prince
 2022  K. O'Mahoney  D. Iwach & B. McCamon
 2023  M. Vlietstra  M. Molenaar & J.Prince
 2024  T. Hare  M. Molenaar & A. Miller

Perth Open

 1970  J. Wright  2005  T. Hare
 1977  D. Pullen-Barry  2006  S. Kurniawan
 1979  M. Partis  2007  A. Hardegen & A. Kuklinski
 1980  P. Traschel  2008  S. Kurniawan & M. Vlietstra
 1981  P. Traschel  2009  Y. Choong
 1984  J. Simpson  2010  T. Boyd, Y. Choong & T. Donaldson
 1987  J. Simpson  2011  T. Donaldson
 1989  W. Ballantyne  2012  L. Taylor
 1991  S. Cooper  2013  T. Boyd
 1992  R. Rozycki  2014  T. Boyd & Y. Choong
 1993  R. Rozycki  2015  P. Gong
 1995  M. Partis  2016  Y. Choong
 1996  S. Byrne  2017  I. Ferozkohi & A. Hardegen
 1997  T. Farber  2018  I. Ferozkohi & P. Gong
 1998  T. Farber  2019  S. Marin
 1999  M. Partis  2020  P. Gong
 2000  T. Farber  2021  P. Gong
 2001  A. Kuklinski  2022  T. Kuybokarov
 2002  T. Boyd  2023  T. Kuybokarov & P. Gong
 2003  J. Lakner, D. Ellis & L. Taylor  2024  P. Gong (1)
 2004  T. Boyd


(1) The Perth Open renamed to the Perth International Open.

Kingsley Open

 1995  H. Barber, S.Byrne, J. Painter & H. Saroinsong  2011  Y. Choong
 1996  S. Byrne  2012  T. Boyd
 1997  D. Dwyer, D. Ellis & M. Curtis  2013  T. Boyd
 2000  D. Ellis  2014  No event
 2001  M. Wilkins  2015  T. Boyd
 2002  M. Wilkins  2016  No event
 2003  T. Farber, J. Lakner & D. Ellis  2017  A. Hardegen
 2004  No event  2018  A. Kelly
 2005  H. Barber & A. Kuklinski  2019  K. Hardegen
 2006  M. Garcia  2020  J. Laubbacher
 2007  L. Vilaseca  2021  Y. (Rebo) Fu
 2008  T. Boyd  2022  P. Gong
 2009  T. Boyd  2023  N. Taylor
 2010  Y. Choong  2024  A. Verma

Gufeld Cup

GM Eduard Gufeld
GM Eduard Gufeld

History of the Gufeld Cup - Presented by GM J. Eduard Gufeld.

Russian Grand Master J. Eduard Gufeld visited Perth in 1986. He stayed with Willetton Sports Club Chess Secretary, Vince Soto-Olivo, father of Gina Soto-Olivo who went on to become W.A. Junior Champion and then Australian Girls Champion.

After a simultaneous exhibition at the Willetton Sports Club, Eduard's offer to provide a perpetual trophy to the club was gratefully accepted. This was to be the Gufeld Cup, played over three days of Easter in a seven round open tournament.

After disbandment of the Willetton Club the trophy was competed for as a W.A. Grand Prix event over the Easter weekend at the Perth Chess Centre.
 1986  J. Simpson  2006  D. Ellis & M. Horstmann
 1987  J. Simpson  2007  L. Vilaseca
 1988  D. Ellis  2008  Y. Choong
 1989  D. Ellis  2009  D. Ellis & E. Seah
 1990  H. Barber  2010  S. Kurniawan
 1991  H. Barber  2011  Y. Choong & T. Hare
 1992  No event  2012  T. Donaldson
 1993  H. Saroinsong  2013  Y. Choong
 1994  J. Field  2014  I. Ferozkohi
 1995  J. Field  2015  T. Boyd
 1996  M. Wilkins  2016  P. Gong
 1997  M. Partis  2017  G. Dunlop, A. Hardegen & I. Yap
 1998  T. Farber  2018  T. Hare
 1999  M. Wilkins & S. Dibdin  2019  T. Hare & K. Hardegen
 2000  M. Wilkins & T. Farber  2020  P. Gong & J. Laubbacher
 2001  T. Farber  2021  J. Laubbacher
 2002  A. Haasse  2022  Y. (Rebo) Fu
 2003  M.Partis, T.Hare, D. Ellis & R. Maris  2023  J. Laubbacher
 2004  T. Hare  2024  K. Hardegen
 2005  H. Barber

Willetton Open

 1977  L. Musa  2001  J. Lakner & A. Kuklinski
 1978  S. Piscopo  2002  J. Lakner
 1979  S. Byrne  2003  T. Hare
 1980  S. Byrne  2004  D. Ellis, R. Humphries & N. Tomic
 1981  G. Anderson  2005  T. Boyd
 1982  D. Ellis  2006  M. Horstmann
 1983  J. Simpson  2007  D. Holland
 1984  J. Simpson  2008  S. Kurniawan
 1985  H. Barber  2009  D. Holland
 1986  D. Ellis  2010  S. Kurniawan
 1987  D. Ellis  2011  D. Dempster
 1988  D. Ellis & S. Pezet  2012  P. de Yaak & S. Hintz
 1989  H. Barber  2013  I. Ferozkohi
 1990  H. Barber  2014  T. Boyd
 1991  No event  2015  Y. Choong
 1992  No event  2016  B. Dagza, P. Gong & T. Hare
 1993  No event  2017  P. Gong
 1994  M. Partis  2018  B. Dagza
 1995  S. Byrne, D. Ellis & J. Field  2019  H.S. Kuan
 1996  B. Mandic  2020  J. Laubbacher
 1997  B. Jones  2021  Y. (Rebo) Fu
 1998  T. Farber  2022  R.G. Teh
 1999  T. Farber  2023  T. Hare
 2000  A. Chin  2024  G. Plaganyi

Christmas Open

 1994  E. Radetzka, S. Byrne, R. Rozycki & S. Fitzpatrick  2011  Y. Choong
 1995  H. Sarionsong  2012  T. Boyd
 2000  D. Dwyer & D. Ellis  2013  D. Ellis
 2002  T. Boyd  2014  I. Ferozkohi
 2003  T. Hare  2015  Y. Choong
 2004  T. Boyd  2016  T. Boyd & A. Dale
 2005  H. Barber  2017  T. Boyd
 2006  G. Dunlop & D.Ellis  2018  S. Shazmeer
 2007  T. Boyd  2019  T. Boyd
 2008  S. Kurniawan  2020  No event
 2009  T. Boyd, Y. Choong & S. Kurniawan  2021  Y. (Rebo) Fu
 2010  T. Boyd & S. Kurniawan  

Foundation Day Open

 1994  D. Johansen  2005  H. Barber
 1995  I. Whol  2006  D. Ellis
 1996  A. Fonteneau, R. Maris  2007  Y. Choong, M. Wilkins
 1997  Result Missing  2008  B. Jones
 1998  T. Boyd  2009  M. Vlietstra
 1999  S. Dibdin  2010  E. Gilmetdinov
 2000  A. Hardegen, D. Ellis  2011  T. Donaldson
 2001  J. Lakner  2012  G. Xie
 2002  J. Lakner  2013  Y. Choong & G. Viswanath
 2003  J. Lakner, M. Partis, T. Hare  
 2004  T. Hare  

Yanchep/Two Rocks Allegro

Bob Pilgrim Shield
Bob Pilgrim Perpetual Shield

A brief history of the Yanchep Two Rocks Chess Championship Family Promotion Day.

This tournament commenced in 1979 thanks mainly due to the efforts of Syd Craythorn known in the Two Rocks area as Syd the Potter. He was involved with the Two Rocks Chess Club which used to meet weekly in the local coffee shop. He made the trophies for the first few years and they were favourably received. He subsequently left the area and now resides in the Eastern States.

The Yanchep/Two Rocks district was established by Sun City Pty Ltd and that company provided some sponsorship and promoted the event fairly well. Norma Elkington, Secretary of the local Merchants Association assisted greatly and was instrumental in keeping the event going. Ted Fletcher was the C.A.W.A. Secretary at the time and was involved in ensuring that the day's activities were progressed and achieved.

The venue was the Two Rocks tavern with the chess event being held upstairs and the evening meal held downstairs in the Aloha room. This room overlooked the ocean and presented a most pleasing outlook.

Subsequent catering was the responsibility of Mr & Mrs Zemke and this continued until 1993 when Trishia Cox of the Blue Dolphin restaurant assumed responsibility.

 1979  D. Ellis, P. Trachsel & I. Trott  1994  S. Byrne
 1980  M. Partis  1995  S. Byrne
 1981  S. Byrne  1996  C. Laird & B. Mandic
 1982  W. Ballantyne & J. Simpson  1997  M. Partis
 1983  W. Ballantyne  1998  T. Farber
 1984  A. Regan  1999  W. Leonhardt & M. Wilkins
 1985  J. Simpson  2000  T. Boyd
 1986  M. Millward  2001  D. Dwyer
 1987  G. Bell  2002  T. Boyd
 1988  M. Partis  2003  T. Boyd
 1989  H. Barber  2004  B. Mandic
 1990  K.L. Pang  2005  B. Mandic
 1991  T. Farber  2006  T. Boyd & B. Mandic
 1992  R. Rozycki  
 1993  M. Partis  

Midland Masters

The Midland Masters Tournament ran from 1995 to 2004 and was often the strongest normal rated tournament in WA and was the first FIDE rated tournament in WA.
History of the Midland Masters is available here: Midland Masters History

 1995  H. Barber & D. Ellis  2000  T. Farber
 1996  E. Rozycki  2001  T. Boyd & M. Wilkins
 1997  H. Barber  2002  D. Ellis
 1998  H. Barber  2003  T. Boyd
 1999  T. Farber  2004  S. Byrne